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Danny Fireblade

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About Danny Fireblade

  • Rank
    Born Hunter

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  1. Cool, sold pending the usual then. I will pm you my phone number. Cheers
  2. If you pm me your email address I will send pics when I get home from work tonight. Cheers. Danny
  3. Brand new and unused mini colibri remote fox caller. Same as http://www.mmsporting.co.uk/shop/callers-accessories/mini-colibri-tc-al50t-remote-control-fox-caller-tc-al50t-plus-free-extras/ I use my foxpro and this has been unused since receiving it as a gift, hence it has to go. £165 including insured delivery Pics on request.
  4. sonic ear defenders if anyone is interested. Same as https://www.nightgea...rs/515315ng.htm Brand new and sealed, in small,medium and large size. 2 for £20 inc P&P Please pm if interested. Can also do deals for more than two sets if required. Sizing chart Thanks
  5. I have an Annie and rate it. Not only is it accurate and tiny, it's a lovely gun to look at too.
  6. She is a bit lean isn't she. Nice to see an oddity though, don't see many of them about.
  7. Hope you enjoy guys https://youtu.be/L9Pvq-Pr_tY
  8. I finally got round to editing some footage I had from a while ago, I still have more to edit too so 13 shouldn't be too far away. https://youtu.be/pQCsAdnYWMU If you like, please subscribe and watch my other vids. Cheers
  9. Here is the rest of the footage that I had saved up. Hope you enjoy. https://youtu.be/6M0_852jGvg
  10. I'm using an ns200. Thanks everyone, just about to post number 11 up
  11. I finally managed to edit the video that has been taken over a couple of trips since November last year. Unfortunately moving house and work has kept me a busy boy but I have finally gotten around to editing the footage to make a video. I have more footage to do too so will hopefully get that done soon. Hope you enjoy. https://youtu.be/00BgEt7Y9Lw
  12. Nah, not been with terriers but I bet they would love it there, lol.
  13. Some more rats meeting their maker Hope you enjoy. Danny
  14. Managed to get down the farm again in-between work, a few things had changed but still managed to get a few. Hope you enjoy. Danny
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