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Boozed Witness

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Everything posted by Boozed Witness

  1. Great pictures, thanks for posting. How is the fawn dog bred? He looks awesome!
  2. She looks awesome DogMagic. Thanks for uploading those!
  3. Sorry Lapin2008, yes as we discussed, he's not raced for some time and has been in plenty of different environments. I first thought of it when I used to take him in the field checking and feeding the horses and he used to dash of after rabbits but they were back in the hedge as he hot there, then he'd pace the hedge line for ages.
  4. Blunt is often very good! Sound advice, thank you.
  5. Hi all, As previously expressed, I'm hopefully soon going to be lamping with my ex racing greyhound. On doing some more research I've discovered that their seems to be very mixed opinions on whether pure greyhounds actually are fit for this sort of purpose. Given the reason that greyhounds are bred, when I think about it, it's easy to see why this could be the case. On the flip side, I've heard of people going lamping with greyhounds before, to what success remains to be seen. So I thought I'd ask for your own views on this. Whilst I've had some very helpful and invaluable advice thus
  6. Thanks Scott, hope he does too. He must have some talent somewhere because it wasn't on the track!
  7. Nice one Paul, where abouts? My dad lives not for from Warrington, about two hours from me.
  8. Not really mate, never been out round here. Only moved here 18 months ago and not much experience hunting with dogs, mainly on horse back. Keen to get out with my ex track dog and see how we go. But it be great to go for a mooch! Where are you now?
  9. Never even thought of insurance. Sounds like it could be worth doing. Doubt they would but would any firms insure track dogs?
  10. Thanks, not been here long but love being in the Dales, can't beat it!
  11. Just wondered if anybody goes lamping near me. Want to take my greyhound with dogs/ owners that are more experienced than we are. My dog used to run on the track but wasn't very good but think he'd love hunting. Thank you.
  12. My advice would be to take cost into account. I feed my greyhound simple working dog mix, think its 8.75 for a big bag. I know greyhound trainers that train winners on it and my dog holds his weight better on that than when he was on Gain or Red Mills.
  13. Hi all, Just stumbled upon this forum and hoping to get more information on hunting. Have hunted with hounds both mounted and on foot, but looking to hunt with my greyhound. Used to go ferreting a lot too when I was younger. Looking forward to getting involved!!! Thanks.
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