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Everything posted by Bigchopper

  1. My local dairy farmer gave me a Sh*t load of colostrum the milk that can't go into the human food chain he can't give it away they get rid of gallons of it. He feeds it his dogs they are fitter than a butchers dog. I've been told that since then not to over do it as they don't need it after leaving mum from pup but. My terrier was looking like a whippet he's Been on it a week and looking like different dog already. I'm going to give him what's left and stop n see if he keeps it on. Best thing is in this weather it can be kept outside without it turning into cheese. Only problem is when it come
  2. Just checked it out. Ill be ordering that on the aproach to the season thanks.
  3. Yeah my old lab could crack through some chow. Yeah they'll be feeding themselves again next season and the butcher is a pal so do get plenty of off cuts and bones n what have you but it's dry grub for the the bulk and consistency. Ill check out "they love it cheers buddy
  4. Any of you lads got a big pack of dogs? Well between me and my bro in law have have 3 terriers two lurchers & a greedy b*stard spaniel bitch. We had a good deal of decent grub ( can't remember the name??) 15kilo under a tenner. Great, trouble is its constantly out of stock at the mo they keep fobbing us off it'll be next week so have to go the expensive shop paying more for less! Well I was wondering if any of you lads have any contacts for deliveries of decent grub or I did wonder and not sure how they work but my sis owns a shop (h/dressers) could she join cash and carry and buy in
  5. Once upon a time I actually had half ounce of respect for the plod. But ten years on F.ck them!!! I wouldn't mind but at least [BANNED TEXT] us guys get up too isn't going to end up in a fight outside a club lift the ban n leave us alone!! Oh n for the Alsatian if it tore a whole in the handlers arm I bet it would have got a one way ticket to the vet!
  6. I just realised i put this pik in another thread as I was so tired that night or morning or whenever it was!! But I did like Kieth but know one was agreeing with me. Jagger would be a pretty cool name tho.
  7. I know salty the Hungarian w/h vizla haha nice lookin pup as it goes. Nah I can't be doin with that tho ill be out with the lads callin fifi back or pinky ponk or worse still mr tumbles!!! I'm pretty set on Brock but having said I have just got off the phone too my eldest who's 7 she said Marley from the film. It got me teary just thinking of it haha.
  8. Do you know anyone with another dog to put her in her place with the other dogs there knock her confidence slightly she'll most likely always be dominant but just a thought. I like the sound of the feisty little bitch. ATB tho.
  9. Little Fella meeting the pack well most of them there's a springer and anther midget jack out of shot. He socialised straight in tail wagging he loved it very confident and very happy.
  10. They were all out of brindle I hear the tan ones have more savvy tho.
  11. Had a cocker Jake when I was a lad kept me awake in and out the cat flap all night little shit I don't do same name twice
  12. My new lil fella today. Just posted about his new name.
  13. It's bin a long day left for work at 5am and got home after picking him up at midnight. Well worth it tho he's my little buddy already. Confident little fella too. 10 weeks Beddy/whippet X Saluki/grey
  14. What to call him he was last in litter so typically they have him a name Oscar not keen I don't think he is either. Was thinking Skar tho? Any good ideas out there?
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