Tomo was it you that had the cyclops lamp? and did you try the Lucas 130 watt halogen bulb in it?..
Do you know the part number for this bulb I wanted to up-rate my cyclops or a web address to order one ?
I found too windy and rabbits don't hear the dog coming so runs are basically more pick ups windy nights I try sticking to the valley's bit more of an advantage for the bunnys bustards don't give me an advantage on a still night ?
Why do the Arabs paint red socks on their saluki's ? Can only think it distinction between two similar dogs or like a tribal war paint may be? Any one know the answer?
f*ck me hes only 16 month now how old was he when he covered a bitch? No wonder the terrier world is likeb it is with clowns like you involved.
Are you for f***ing real. There's another high light of this site. Last comment I made was if your not interested keep your nose out. So what was it that made you think fcuk it I'll type him another bit of bullshit. I don't need you to understand why this dog is for sale why it's priced as it is what it's done or what happend too it in 1963 your fukcing comments aren't welcome because your a messer.
To the genuine guys out there my bro in law is
Most of you lot on here are fukcing time wasting pricks I bet only 10% of you actually get your fat asses off the sofa and get out bet you all think that the opening scene of Emmerdale is enough for your dogs. What you pricks saw on the adverts a few months ago and on here is that the dog was Sire to pups for sale and after a lot of deliberation my bro has decided that if he was going to sell him it would be on here to go to a fukcing working home. I'm not too sure it was the right choice. If the dog is not for you fcuk off and keep your gobshite noses out
Give my bro a call if interested. His numbers there he wants it in a working home so I doubt it'll go on pre-loved or gumtree. Go buy yourself a good dog from a good line of working dogs.
Not a lot well happy with her. she just won't quit hunting and ignores her recall but only if she don't catch after a slip. It's not all the time and hasn't caused too much bother yet but can see it really pissing me off at se point.
My new saluki grey bitch (rehomed) has a working on problem her recall is pretty good now she settled in but if a rabbit escapes her to cover she will fu?k off on a one dog mission to hunt it down. What would you guys do to work on this??
A farmer friend of mine had the same problem with a neighbours collie (pet), so he told the woman to bring it up and chucked it in a pen with a ram don't think the collie liked the outcome. All dogs go to heaven as they say.
I just re-homed a bitch and thought the same thing, and it was the feathers & leg markings that changed my mind, sorry tho pal if you read this. I would have seen her back to him too. Thieving scum Cnuts!!!