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Everything posted by hound

  1. if hes old enough to do the crime hes old enough to deal with the after barth
  2. put the pics up for all to see. at least this may be a warning to people from buying from him in future shame it wont help you to get your money back. bet he coughs up when there is a knock on his door
  3. YES,...and,.er,.NO THANKS.... carnt say im inpressed from what i have seen
  4. has anyone seen or used the new mole trap from bell. http://www.belllabs.com/product_details/....pirid-mole-trap from what i have heard you will need a 4x4 to cart them across a field
  5. same here im getting a few jobs coming in
  6. good luck to the both of you and hope its a good fair comp with plenty of good runs
  7. i made mine on vistaprint i pay £8 a month. i spent an afternoon making it and i know feck all about computers, the good thing is i can change it when ever i want and it is bring money in as well
  8. chicken carcess from the butchers works well for me when i was trapping foxes in london
  9. so whats the latest then are you going to be running or not pete
  10. f*****g hell this site gets better and better so what has happened to your kid then is he/she allergic to the dog
  11. i to would like to know the out come as i use to work for a firm called kestrel pest control and we had the contract with the highways agency on the m4,m3,A303,A3,A34,A27,M27 etc and we use to do a hell of alot of ferreting on these embankments when farmers complain to the highways we use to respond to the callout, if the warrens were on either side of the fence the cost was split. Bearing the mind the amount of courses i had to go on and all the red tape we had to go through was unbelivable. Also on every job TM (traffic managment) had to be in place. so i would assume joe bloggs would not be
  12. was he the one always selling bits did he have a whippet/patterdale or something like that
  13. hound


    if they took his money then they accepted the bet,i to would be p1ssed off hope he gets his money
  14. hound


    thought it was just me. that could not send pms hope it gets sorted soon
  15. feck me if i thought any of my kids were allergic to the dog. the dog would be stright outside in a kennel. i would put my kids first. instead of being on here you could be outside knocking up a kennel. If it turns out the kid is not allergic bring the dog back in
  16. your almost right about martin he is a good lad and stright down the line but you forgot to mention hes a faggot
  17. hound


    is this the one that was advertised in the countrymaids last week if it is you are going to have to get a good size frezzer well done fella
  18. if i was you i would walk away it stinks of a con to me. all they want is your details for identerty theft
  19. one that gives 110% every time stays till the end. if you are asking what is the best breed well it dont matter what it is as long as it does the job
  20. i have to give it ago. i have always written elderberry of as i thought it would have been to soft, like i say i will be giving it ago this summer as there is loads of eldderberry round here and bugger all hazel
  21. well i i can tell you what my daddy has to say as he is sat in the kitchen as my parents are up for a few days. and im on here escaping for a while. any way his reply is how funny he thinks this is (this is the polite version) and he wonders what will happen to this pup
  22. then she moan as much as she wants
  23. she only moan it fecking sleeps all day, you dont expect anything diffrent do you shes a woman thats all they do aint it
  24. and people wonder why i dont post much. its simple when you have plonkers staring posts like this and many others like how do you toughed up a terrier pup i think my dog is dying what shall i do? take it to the bloody vets i have been a member for many years and seen some bloody good dog men come and then go because of sh1t like these topics also while im ranting why do some people have to keep posting nice dog to every bloody post leannelurcher or what ever your name why take on another dog your not ready for one if you want a dog get one of these http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Precious-
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