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Everything posted by TORIN

  1. he dont hav no permission up there thats my land lol
  2. looking great captain dont be asking any questions dont think il be about long enough to answer lol
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XlkBer1qyJI you to put your money where your mouth is
  4. just for you mush,no point comin on this sitr tryin to fool men tell all about jacks match with charlie 2 days after christmas walking land jack wouldnt slip then jack calls match off sayin hangover twice he pulled outa match LOL with charlie what about last saturday match jack tells lad he was going out drinking but he went coursing on stoney land that you say he wouldnt run coz it would chop dogs feet up LOL i have more but lets leave it at that best thing to do is match em shut em up good an proper :thumbs:p elliot messi rosco lol tommy been told to give you a bye ball lol
  5. cant see anything what do i need to download to watch that
  6. You sir, are the same age as myself ! lol Born in 74,so reckon they would been 76/77 lol lol i heard the world cup on the radio lol
  7. Would you expect the dog to go over a fence that you lefted it over because it could have got hung????? Yes iceman there are fences that are very difficult to jump from standing still but when running full pelt it should be a lot easier. As baw said if a dog that can jump pulls up at a fence its jacked Depends on the fence and the jump really some fences are just a no go but have seen dogs clear stuff that they have no right to but seen good jumps dogs get hung up and the most easys fences.When it comes to jumping think its all about the dog having believe in its self.l dog that does not
  8. only ever had one with a stopper removed she broke her leg after it
  9. lol were did ya pull that one out of sean sean sean
  10. butch cassidy an the sundance kid...the kick in the balls scene funny as
  11. a man called horse thats the r harris one i was after ...another was soldier blue
  12. have them two recorded havnt watch them yet the wyatt earp with val kilmer was good
  13. Dances with wolves an one with richard harris in it
  14. rake aboot can you get the final pup scene in unforgiven
  15. he was gnasher lol i like the humpy cnut kleus kinski an his daughter natasha is a lovely girl
  16. bigdog dont even think of mentioning blazing sadles
  17. never herd of warlock but keep going get a few clips of your fav bits up
  18. mine true grit id love to see the remake and not an old film but unforgiven was special...get a few clips up
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