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Everything posted by ciderbob

  1. theres alsorts in the freeads around here ,, rottie x ..... lab x ... springer x .... gsd x ... ridge back x .. and all posted for good money a fool and hes money are soon parted
  2. cut the top off your mums broom mate . and some sticky back plastic .... does no1 watch blue peter any more lol
  3. flirt is good play and exercise and therefore good with building up a bond with the dog me i wouldent run it / take it out with another dog or even give it a longtail or 2 .. but thats just my thinking to be honest at 18 months the dog should have seen more than 20 rabbits so all i would say is LET THE DOG SEE THE RABBIT .. get the young fecker out as much as you can give it some middle of the field runs more you get out the more both of you will learn
  4. Get a pic up mate I will soon mate cheers im getting 1 of these tomorrow
  5. this should be the dog im getting tomorrow
  6. hello boys and girls guessing the old earth dog running dog forum is still dead google brought me here so im bob ,, from somerset will be getting a pup tomorrow after being away from it all for a long while i do talk bollox and like a good wind up as if you knew me from old edrd you will know ps i also cant spell and dont want to learn so no point in correcting me .... lol
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