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Everything posted by Rob58

  1. just finished this little dog fox thought i would share some pics with you fellas cheers R
  2. andy did you get my email mate the other week ????
  3. No mate just hang on the wall.
  4. just finished up this big fallow buck that rich aka sussex got for me was a huge beast thought you fellas would like to see some pics of the finished mount cheers R
  5. been awhile since i posted, just finished this big hare sitting in wheat thought i would share a few pics with you fellas cheers R
  6. What a great write up superb and you couldn't have stalked with a nicer bloke rich is a top fella Well done on your deer and nice shooting.
  7. You couldn't go stalking with a more professional stalker and a top fella you will have a great time Good luck.
  8. nice write up rich as usual, always on the money well done.
  9. Well done rich needed putting away
  10. havent posted in a while just finished this mount a couple of mink going through water, thought you would like to see some pics cheers R
  11. nice one rich always on the money!!
  12. We was only talking about big foxes today and you go and bag well done rich.
  13. well done rich nice read nice beast
  14. No favourites muddler but I do like working with stoats weasels and mink just great little mammals with interesting lives.
  15. Thanks fellas for all the great comments im always humbled by your kind words of support and pleased that my work interests you all cheers R
  16. hi fellas havent posted in a while heres my latest mount i have just finished up a young vixen on a small lamb. cheers R
  17. Well done mate nice read you always make it sound so bloody exciting.
  18. Hi bell so what you are really saying is that i have no attention to detail as i have said before im only an amateur not a pro? and everyones a critic ??!!
  19. Have afew mounts i need to clear as i have no space for them anyone thats interested please PM me for details cheers R
  20. Well done rich i will enjoy mounting this one its going to look a cracker top banana mate.!!!
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