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Everything posted by Rob58

  1. Hi fellas just finished this little muntjac fawn i have been working on thought i would share afew pics with you all cheers R
  2. hi skinner find me an adder and ill mount it fighting with a stoat now wouldnt that be a great piece and i have never tackled a snake i would like to try.
  3. Hi T yes mate that will work aswell
  4. Just use a very soft brush get the wife's makeup brush the big soft one gently brush all the dust of with a hover on to suck it all up. Then use a damp clouth with a small amount of washing up liqiud and gently wipe the hair the eyes just give them a wipe with a little warm water and Cotten bud if you get the hair to wet you can gentle dry on a slow warm setting with the wife's hair dryer lol cheers.
  5. Thanks rich it took forever with all this cold damp weather.
  6. hi fellas i have been working on this project for some time and have finally got round to finishing it up i had to wait for the weather to improve a little so i could continue with the resin work which doesnt like the cold. i dont either lol cheers R
  7. Hi fellas thought you would like to see this red i have been working on its taken me awhile to mount it is a big head and i have such a small workshop it has been a nightmare i wont be tackling another so soon i can tell you lol cheers R
  8. Hi fellas don't know if anyone can help. I'm looking for a ferret for a taxidermy project that's coming up happy to pay postage must be ferret not polecat cheers. R
  9. The easiest way and safest way is to skin them to the hoof clean the maro from the inside clean the meat of the bone put it in a salt and alum pickle for a few days wash and mount.
  10. isopropnal alcohol Rob?? the same as you can get from the chemist's and if so how long to soak them for please?. yes just leave them in it for afew days then wash job done
  11. you dont want to use formaldehyde just soak them in a pickle of salt and alum or isopropanol
  12. I think you have to be a donator to use the classifieds
  13. hi fellas thought i would let you see what i have been up to, just finished this couple of fox masks hope i dont get my arse kicked so much this time ouch. cheers R
  14. Hi skinner yes mate I'm getting my arse kicked on this mount, still can't always get it right lol Cheers. R
  15. Thanks for the comments fellas, don't always get it right but that's how you learn and get it better next.
  16. yes mate he was a whopper
  17. hi fellas havent posted in awhile just finished this big old fella just resting up, just right for the fireplace cheers R
  18. Alum is cheap you can get it on flea bay or JHT taxidermy just google them. You use the bicarbonate to nutralise the alum salt pickle after you have cured the skin if you want to get more stretch in your skins you should tan them with lutanF after nutralising for a couple of days.
  19. I agree......im always dubious of folk who dont make a f**k up now and again .....i bet all your tattoos are spelt right as well ! Superb looking piece again. Lol I can't even read them anymore there so old just a blob of ink now lol
  20. Havent posted in a little while, just finished this pretty little arctic fox from iceland it will be going into a glass case with habitat in the near future. cheers R
  21. thanks T always got a good word to say much appreciated R
  22. Thanks for all the comments lads much appreciated Cheers R
  23. Just finished this little munty for a stalking friend thought i would post some pics for you fellas cheers R
  24. sorry mate no web site but yes i always sell every thing i mount im not a collecter cheers R
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