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Everything posted by Rob58

  1. Tiny little leveret I have just finished working on, skin like wet tissue paper cheers R
  2. hope it's in a freezer? Make a cracking mount.
  3. Little pair of colour phased ermine I have been working on cheers R
  4. Haven't posted in a while due to work commitment but have found the time to finish these two.The blue Arctic fox was a captive bred zoo animal and the serval also came from a zoo killed by the mother nasty wounds around the neck cheers R
  5. Looking for some nice clean squirrels if any of you lads have any. Must be nice condition for life size mounts cheers R
  6. Haven't posted in awhile just finished this pair of greys. Cheers R
  7. Not to exciting but thought I would share a couple of pics for you lads fat grey squirrel resting. Cheers R
  8. smart mount very natural looking!!
  9. thank you gnasher they don't always come out how you want them I still do monsters from time to time. It just a learning curve everything you do you always make mistakes and learn from them and try and make your next mount better cheers R
  10. no its a chocolate brown cross raunch
  11. feck me rob, you had a bang on head were is the water, brillianthere you go just finished this.cheers
  12. little project i have just finished for a keeper in scotland cheers R
  13. hi rich you know me mate I don't collect anything my son claimed it so it's got a good home. Hope your well mate.
  14. Hi fellas as you know I'm not a bird guy and never will be, but I got gifted this little kingfisher from one of the hunting lads on here and didn't won't to waist it so had a go and mounted it give me fur any day cheers R
  15. Did this little female ermine just about to leap of a small piece of bog wood this was donated to me by low plains drifter once again many thanks cheers R
  16. Is there a keeper on here that can get me some ermine I know it's probably to late now. Please get in touch if you can help I'll take colour phase stoats to cheers R
  17. i think it's a red as there is hints of red on the rear pads that's the only place of any other colour
  18. I haven't posted in awhile due to work commitments as you all now I'm only an amateur so have to work for a living as we all do. Here's afew pics of my resent mount black fox vixen running through water cheers R
  19. Still looking fellas come on you trapping guys show me what your made of lol R
  20. Still looking for them elusive ermine fellas please if you get any let us know cheers R
  21. Still looking for some ermine if any of you trapping fellas can help cheer R
  22. Thanks Steve that means alot coming from you made my day cheer mate
  23. Hi fellas thought I would share these pics with you of a two headed calf I have just finished working on. It not something I would normally do but fancied the challenge this was a massive project for me as you know I'm a small critter guy. It was still born came from a farm down in Devon somewhere just has to dry and I will put on a permanent base cheers R
  24. hi fellas im looking for some Ermine if any one has any in there freezers cheers R
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