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Everything posted by sussex

  1. We’d have Brian anti May , Cwish Pac-Man and the beaver protection society on the case from day one …twenty years on we’d be falling down badger sets or drowning in flood water ..take your pick ! ..
  2. Courageous Lady , my ex had rheumatoid , I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy ..great effort ..??
  3. Sad news , it took my niece at the same age ..RIP …
  4. sussex


    YouTube and google have taken over surely …
  5. He’s trying to be funny but failing miserably …
  6. Health and safety gone mad …hard hat and safety overalls for fishing …we’re doomed I tell ya ! …
  7. I was talking to my pal about shagging the 25 year old that lives across the road ….???…. not a fcuking murmur yet …..….but I’ll live in hope ?
  8. That would be some cross , an eleven fingered Yorkshireman with a 12 toed web footed bint from Norfolk ..?
  9. I think it’s the case with both D , it’s just the gun men tend to do it quicker ..funny enough you hardly see a rabbit out here , I’ve seen more boar than rabbits , then I see one close up and had to kill it ! … I don’t know what was wrong with it but it clearly wasn’t right , I just tapped it on the head to finish it ..there was some dried blood on the pavement ..my brother has been here 19 years and never seen one in the field next to the villa , I drive up and there’s one against the wall ..?
  10. That’s the difference between work and sport unfortunately mate ..
  11. I couldn’t see the Guardia Civil turning out in high heels any day soon …much to proud for all that old bollocks ..
  12. Bloody poor show mate …someone I’ve heard of and he don’t get a mention ..? Actually met Charlie Watts at a party years ago , he must have signed every paper plate that was used that day , seemed a really down to earth fella ..RIP ..
  13. Since I posted that we have picked up the land the other side of her and now almost surround her , this year will be our first shooting the land but my pal has been on a few recce’s over the summer and with the new approach they don’t hang about , the prevailing sw wind is ideal for us now as we can get right behind them and push them off quite easily …hopefully I’ll make it home for a couple of months to help him out …
  14. f****n songs as bad as the truck ….
  15. I think they are just captured kit , the old firm are still the go to vehicle ..??
  16. What was the total mate , cracking day …?
  17. Every time my certs been up for a renewal I’ve had the feo visit and do the checks , and I’ve had fac &sgc for well over forty years , that’s been the Met , Essex and Sussex police ..it would seem someone down Devon & Cornwall hasn’t been up to scratch giving him his ticket back …Be interesting to see there reasoning behind it , should they ever come clean .
  18. Be very careful with warranties , you need to read the small print ! ..my Isuzu truck developed a problem with the air con , 3 years old , with less than 27,000 miles on , with a supposed 5 year warranty …only the warranty doesn’t cover the whole car just the drive train , and it doesn’t cover you if your abroad . Isuzu uk are a separate entity as is Isuzu Spain so you can’t get your truck repaired under warranty unless you bought it in the country ..With a whole dash removal to get to a valve I picked up the tab for a £1000 ..so much for Isuzu 5 year warranty . Back with Toyota ! ..
  19. The house of Saud by the look of it …a true work of art ..
  20. Just need to source a nice pen and a decent writing pad .. really pleased with it , so is everyone that’s seen it ..?
  21. As much as dislike Hamilton , running second fiddle ain’t in his makeup , he’s where is because of his attitude and skill , Vestappen may win the title but if and when he does he will have to do it the hard way ..should prove to be an interesting tittle race for a change ..
  22. My wife’s nephew , 21 fit as a flea , superb swimmer , had been out with the university cave diving club and when they came up they had a swim in the loch to clean off , he swam right across , halfway back he disappeared .Cold water shock was reckoned to be the cause . Sadly youngster drowning is a major worry over here , we have had one already this month , people coming on holiday don’t realise the danger of swimming pools , it’s not a problem when the whole family are out by the pool it’s the one second it takes for a toddler to wander outside in a lapse of concentration , answering t
  23. I think it was the Volvo mate …I recon another forty years and 4,000,000 miles on my Amazon and I’m in with a shout , trouble is I’ll be a 109 ….?
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