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Everything posted by sussex

  1. Sitting here thinking I can’t come up with one excuse that sounds anywhere near plausible why I’d be driving round with 465 large in cash in the back of the van ....given it’s not an armoured truck and there are two of us in uniform..?
  2. If that was my old lady I’d have to learn to sleep with at least one eye open , that’s after I hid anything sharp or heavy ..!
  3. They went the extra mile to help there , good effort .
  4. Same as Mackay , thought he was long before the documentary..
  5. It’s getting like death watch on here ...
  6. Whatever they are that seems a serious amount of weight for two dogs to pull ..
  7. It was mosque or pushing red hot needles behind my finger nails , the red hot needles edged it !
  8. Congratulations, enjoy ..?
  9. Here’s a few more from when I remember to take a picture .
  10. Less than a week ago I counted over three hundred deer , mainly groups of 40 or 50 in less than a square mile ..I’ve taken over sixty on one of my places and haven’t made a dent in the population ..no one on the surrounding land is culling and one lady landowner is complete anti shooting ..Yesterday I had a meeting with the next door property owner and after ten years of trying he has at last given me permission to walk across his land ( not to shoot ) to get at one of our fields where normally the deer have us spotted from three hundred yards away ..Bit late in the season but will be a big
  11. For fcuk sake don’t tell my old lady she’ll have me topped if she thought she’d get 40 grand ...
  12. You can never be over gunned ! ......although there might be a little more backfilling required .
  13. The best cartridge I’ve ever used , and to be fair the only cartridge I’ve ever used on moles is the first one I can find to stuff in the gun ! ?
  14. last day on the doe’s over this estate , beautiful morning thought I’d take a picture of the dog behind the big house . She is actually looking done on a small group of deer in one of the paddocks ..
  15. Old hat , I folded my I phone , admitted it’s not working to full capacity , well it’s not working at all but it’s folded ..as for £2k for a phone that folds I’d happily take a tenner for mine ...
  16. Forget the can am there shite , my mate has one in the workshop , it looks the nuts but looks don’t cut it when work counts ..stick with the japs .Ive got to Honda 400 2x4 wheel drive it’s been a tool ..
  17. It’s a bit of a secret society mate , all I can say after years of testing guns loads , and chokes I’ve found the best gun is either an over under or side by side ,choke between full or straight cylinder , load from 24gram 7 to a 40gr 3 ...lead needs be just enough ...hope this helps ..
  18. My brothers .Landcruiser Amazon 4.2 ..1994 ...this dosen’t get stuck very often .. mind the paintwork hasn’t always looked this good he did roll it one year on the Maroc challenge , four people in it all walked away unhurt .still got it and done two more Maroc’s .
  19. Bet that stings a bit ....Rifle round . ?
  20. Grab me the hat , be good for the odd funeral .
  21. I toyed with the idea of a hoist on the quad but opted for a box on the front that has the ropes ,pulley gambrel and knives in , if necessary I just tow them to the nearest tree , set up and when gralloched lower them on the back of the quad .. big old doe I shot the other morning ...
  22. For this to be a proper medical thread we need pictures ! ...The hunting life doctors will have you cured or boxed in a day .. ....that might even be cured and boxed as in kippers ..
  23. I’d have got him a bigger ladder , makes no difference now the poor sod ain’t got a job ...bloody do gooders have left the poor kid unemployed ....?
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