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Everything posted by sussex

  1. I fear for my grandchildren’s future ..two genders male or female , your either one or the other regardless of having bits cut of or stuck on or what ever else you make claim to be or desire to be ..filling kids heads with this sh1t is a disgrace ..
  2. Did they let him take the cow home ! ...?
  3. That’ll have GL dribbling ..?..that is proper grub .
  4. Number one rule of shooting ...identify your target .No ifs or buts if he could 100% identify his target as a fox he shouldn’t have pulled the trigger ...and he shouldn’t have a ticket now ..
  5. That’s all you need a bloody herd of ibex shitting all over you nice clean dam ..?
  6. Honda 420 , had a Honda 350trx before ..the 350 I had for ten years ,never ever had a problem with it , serviced every year it was a tool .Changed for the 420 2 or 4 wheel drive it’s in the same league .. Serviced and looked after this one will see me out .. edited to say I’m using an Isuzu dmax to tow it about ..
  7. Drove down through Javea the other evening , 400yds from the town centre about eight trotted across the road right in front of the truck ..did well to miss the bloody things !
  8. Errr we never mate , it was on loan from America part of an art exhibition..
  9. What about his mates , are they all dead as well ? ....
  10. Liked to have seen a bit more movement in the pig , he’s standing there looking like he’s waiting for a bus ...?
  11. Well done Dave , nice first buck ....no entry wound ?....didn’t trip and bash its head and your claiming it ..?..body shot your soon see where when you opened it up ..how did you get on with the gralloch , was that a first ?
  12. You did well mate , was you not dribbling when you had yours ....?
  13. I do know a lady that got 6.5 x 55 granted with an open ticket ..very very rare , she had been on a lot of paid stalks with a very experienced stalker and had done her dsc1 before applying , she also had a lot of cleared land to shoot over .. The best before that was 12 months from grant to open , again fairly rare event ..
  14. That is fcuking awesome ! ! ..what a job .Brilliant ..
  15. You only have to look at Texas , and they do everything from machine gunning to trapping ,and still can’t get on top of them ..with your wide open space and limited human contact the numbers will go through the roof .. I read that at the moment they occupy 750,,000 sq kilometres and it’s increasing by 88,000 k a year with a year on year increase ..At some point the authorities will have to act , Canada’s agriculture and wildlife is a major money earner ..Mind if there anything like ours the whole lot will go down the shitter while there playing politics ...
  16. Can’t see that front bumper taking a 9ton whinch , or protecting the bodywork from knocks ...one for the school run , not the farm yard ..
  17. Two or three copper nails it may well die but chances are it would take years ...copper sulphate on the other hand kill just about anything ..
  18. Are those pigs numbers increasing or are they keeping on top of them ? ..
  19. Id have thought compulsory..?
  20. Apart from there dead .....! ! ? I’ll get me coat ..........
  21. There are a couple of really tidy one on flea bay , d4d lc4 , low mileage and spotlessly clean around the £7..£8k mark ..I also looked at the Land cruiser Amazon with the 4.2 straight six diesel ..they are a lot of money for the year , around the £10k mark for a 17 year old one but that’s because they are the best 4x4 ever built ..fuel economy on the 4.2 is better than the 3 litre model because the engine never working ..
  22. Scrub the disco , have a look at the land cruisers ...you won’t need to know a mechanic because they don’t go wrong ..I’ve just driven one out to Spain for a pal , 2006 , land cruiser 3 litre, D4D lc4 ..leather , 101,000 m he gave £7k for it ..absolutely faultless .
  23. Just to add my pennies worth I’d go .22 Hornet ..cracking round , one of the only guns I’ve regretted selling ..along with a 16bore .22 drilling ..
  24. Good bull X would have one down and eat if you didn’t get to it a bit lively ?
  25. Be somewhere tidy to run the dog ....?
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