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Everything posted by sussex

  1. If they started to repatriate offenders they’d be crying their fcuking eyes out ..
  2. Given who his mother is that’s got to be sure bet ....
  3. He’s not going to get into any trouble if he’s the only one , normally takes at least two for any sort of fight to make any headway ...he seems happy enough in his very tiny world , crack on ...
  4. You could always get griff to make you one where you wear out the blade and keep the handle .. my inpocket knife ..
  5. sussex

    Our tune

    Knees up mother brown ...
  6. I blame their mums , fancy letting them walk home from the nursery on their own ....
  7. And Lilly Allen could apologise for not being there to save it ...
  8. I sold my hilux and bought the isuzu ? but if I wanted a towing vehicle (or ram raider) the eigthy series 4.2 manual would be the motor of choice ...
  9. £8000 will get you a tidy Toyota colarado, probably 08 plate , tows 2.8 ton ..or buy the best towing vehicle ever built Toyota landcruiser Amazon..tows 3.5 ton and you wont know it's there ..
  10. My pals son had all the locks upgraded on his van after losing all his tools , three months later he lost another lot when the took the side panel out of the van with a battery operated metal cutter .Not only lost the tools but wrecked the van , he unloads the van every night of anything of value .Hopefully anyone buying stolen tools will reap what they sow , there as bad as the thieves .
  11. Couldn’t have picked a bigger one if it tried ! .
  12. He’s got the police fighting with the firefighters ...that’s some achievement ! ..what’s next the old bill fighting the army when he cuts there pension ...
  13. I recon his ex and daughters do , as brave a face as the will put on .. I personal don’t give a monkeys given I don’t know him or every likely to as he not into shooting or fishing ..?
  14. sussex


    Sneaky b*****d ...?
  15. sussex


    Didn’t you have a screen protector on the one you hit with the bucket ..? ?
  16. sussex


    Just bought a new iPad air ..excellent and fairly easy to use given I'm thick as shit with computers and the like !
  17. Best value boots I’ve ever had , the money I’ve wasted over the years on chameau , harkila etc , two seasons and that’s them done , the Hiax have done four so far and don’t look like giving up any time soon ..
  18. There Landrovers mate ? will the new car be alright towing them ...?
  19. What’s it like off road ? ..Has it got a hook for a trailer . why hasn’t it got a roof rack ..?will you get a carcass in the boot ? ..I’m not sure you’ve thought this through mate ..but bloody nice colour ...
  20. A freedom of information request by BBC Panarama has revelled 38 deaths attributed to smart motorways in the last five years , one section , just outside London has seen a twenty fold increase in near miss reports since the hard shoulder was removed in 2014 . This number is significant given the low percentage of miles compared to ordinary motorway .The minister that signed off on them admitted he was mislead after the emergency refuges which were spaced at 600 metres on the original trial area was increased in some cases to 2.5 miles .The whole thing is under review ..
  21. There is nothing illegal about taking your kids out ratting in the evening ..who said his kids have to be in bed at the weekends by 9pm ..Or in the week come to that , I really can’t see why social services have a need to stick there oar in when there is clearly no need , given some social services recent history with regard to looking after children on the at risk list I would think they would be in far more danger being in council care ..I would rather my kids out doing something they like rather than have there minds polluted with shit video games that teach you nothing with respect to viol
  22. He’s not doing anything illegal , if he was plod would have given him more than words , just because plod and the council don’t like it doesn’t mean he can’t do it . The trouble with not being confrontational is the powers that be will keep chipping away at your freedom to do anything . He’s not forcing them to go , it’s weekends so not school days why the fcuk should he stop .I thought this country was run on the basis you can do what you want as long as it’s not been classed as illegal , not you can do anything as long as it’s deemed legal ..can’t take kids out after 9pm ? Says who ? P
  23. Ffs tell me this is a get up ..are people really this backward ...
  24. I’d have thought rabies is the least of you worries if your being eaten by a mountain lion ..?
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