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Everything posted by sussex

  1. Had a look over my little farm yesterday evening but it was only the doe's that put in an appearance so i left them to it .I noticed this morning they were hedge cutting by the road and the field hedge by the back of my wood.I reconed any deer in there would tend to push up towards the top end of the wood & feed in the small paddock or out the other side on the clover. Trying to get back early from a job it was one of them days were everything seemed to take just that little bit longer,but by 3.45 i was on route home ,i'd tried a couple of mates earlier to see if i could get another
  2. Accident...no one hurt,its only metal& plastic...if she had been on the phone i'm sure old bill would be nicking her....
  3. CC you are spot on there,i shot factory ammo for years (never been into reloading) till a pal reloaded some for me ,the differance was really noticeable ,never bought factory again .Big diff in cost as well ..
  4. Had one 35 years ago ,it was a great round .Having used the rimfire for everthing when i got the hornet all of a sudden charlie at 100+ was not a problem .It was the hornet really got me into rifles.Back in the day we did a fair bit of pest control one job was feral cats,the hornet was as humane as you could get !!Only got rid of it about 5 years ago...
  5. The cripple tag team is the best post on the THL ........bya mile,my mate came round the other day and left in tears after reading it .... :toast:
  6. Cheers Phill .keep it quite ive been working ,My pal had a fire at his place & ive been making a couple of oak doors & frames up for him so only got out twice since weekend.Checked my little place up the road this morning ,does everwhere.There were a couple of bucks accross the road laying against a hedge with not a care in the world.Did EG sunday afternnon again just does,but think i caught a glimpse of a munty, he /she will need going .Got a mate down sat lunchtime taking him over the chicken farm for the evening & kent /sussex sunday morn. If we do EG sunday even i'l give you a
  7. Busy old day Phil ......keeps you out of trouble though ........
  8. When you sell up in 5 years you must get most of your money back surely.! .......... :laugh:
  9. Put me down for a couple.......cheers
  10. A nice thank you for years of service to your country...even if he did bring it back surely someone could have given him a bolloc.king & showed some common sense instead of dragging the man through all this shite.Must do wonders for morale when your ducking bullets & i.e.d's to know theres some halfwit back home ready to drop on you like ten ton of eagle shite first chance they get. This man deserves better from his country......................................................................Would it help his case if he changed religion...just a thought.
  11. Nice one ...no need to say keep at it ,your hooked .....
  12. Nice one, you wont be disapointed with it thats for sure,i picked my 2.5x10x56 secondhand for silly money of a guy packing up, bought all the top kit then decided stalking was'nt really his game,sold the blaser to his mate for £700 it had'nt fired 100 rounds.,he's got into diving now ,bought all the kit including a 22ft rib..Oh to be wedged up !!!!
  13. The one thing you need above all else is to want to pack up ,once you get to that stage every thing falls into place.,Been there ,done it.stick at it .... ...... Ps ....Bird your so right about the cigar......still cant have one after 30 years of em.!!
  14. Fire Alarms......nothing to do with hunting shooting fishing ,other than making sure your all still here to enjoy them.My pals place ,and dogs were saved yesterday by the alarm, he was out ,his two boys were just getting into the car when the alarm went of,not realiseing for a minute or two what it was,they went back inside,a fire had started in the airing cupboard ,flames were taking hold ,one of the boys grabbed an extingiser and set about it the other phoned the brigade,getting a hose going as well they held it at bay till the fire brigade got there (6mi They sorted it ,Hes left water damag
  15. A bent politician & a grass.............a fitting end....bet they are sh.tting it ..... :cray:
  16. Thats the man.........
  17. There is a good side to all this ............................It was the best thread since the two cripples beat up on the other fella...cant remember his name,..... The hunting life needs a personal problem forum ,might not help but would be funny as fcuk......
  18. Hi guys , thanks for your time ,ive just bought an olympus Evolt 420.smallest dslr on the market by all accounts,hopefully this will fit in a pocket,10 months old £135.got all the kit with it spare batt/spare card ,leads,etc etc .will buy another lens so should be well within budget,will let you know how it goes ....thanks .....
  19. Welcome to The Hunting Life cobber................has any one told you about the old tradition of buying a cold one for all the boys(& girls). ....?
  20. sussex


    If the kennel club need to see proper WORKING dogs might i sugest they remove there heads from up there own arse's & look at this thread,the lab of patterdalejoel should be breed standard ,it could WORK all day ,the springer could WORK all day,and no doubt all the dogs owened by people on here could & probably do WORK all day.My own lab is eleven she stalks with me 3 or 4 times a week,sulks if i go out without her,she would at her age run that excuse for a lab into the ground. .....The people who breed ,show, judge these dogs are a fcuking disgrace....Stop breeding dogs for the way YOU
  21. sussex


    There's no way the lab could swim .it did'nt look to good at walking.Bloody disgrace that it is a representative of a working lab...The breed club need shutting down along with the kennel club for allowing & promoting this monstrosity of a show ...All the working dogs should be fit for purpose........
  22. Glad you enjoyed ,your most welcome
  23. Hi ,help required , i am looking for a new/secondhand camara ,at the moment im using just a sony pocket type but am looking for something not to big but something with a lens that i can take pictures from a high seat whilst out stalking ,where the subject (deer ) are not specks in the distance,many moons ago i used a minolta slr with various lenses but it was huge ,whats out there know digital wise ...Got a budget of £300 . i will look on ebay etc when i know what to look for .....cheers
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