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Everything posted by sussex

  1. Think ground is hard to come by & easy to loose were ever you are matt
  2. Had a mate come down from london to come stalking the weekend ,originally he was coming out sunday morning but managed to get an overnight pass from home so got down saturday lunch time.I'd spent sat morn helping the guy that owns part of the small permisson i've got 5min from home doing some fencing ,as he dos'nt charge me for the rights its what i consider payback . before this i had only seen him 2 or 3 times in 2years as he works in london.The only stipulation when he gave me the stalking was that i was the only person allowed to shoot his land,not a problem as i had several seats in the w
  3. Matt my game carrier has got honda on the side.. Bit old for all that dragging ,i had three down one evening by the time i got them out i was'nt far away from a hook in the chiller myself. Thats when i got my helper Big Red ........he comes out every time ,sits quite,dos'nt want to shoot,do'snt mind the mud ,helpfull as it comes,carries the deer & me back ,what more could you want ....!
  4. It would appear that one bloke is as bright as the other is dim............must get my brother to post some over.....
  5. Its doing no good under the pillow mate,stick it atop that .222 & get it going.......looking foward to seeing the results...
  6. Hi matt , i do my best mate.Nearly all fallow ,not got that many roe so just take out the odd one or two,might take a few more this year but the fallow are everywhere.Got a few munty's on one place but the estate dont want them first or last so any get seen get shot unfortunatly.
  7. Post it down here mate i'l give it a run out for you, .............
  8. Huge numbers of fallow in my bit of sussex,notice the muntjac are in the increase as well
  9. Pegleg that aint bad money but hard earned mate,they want there pound of flesh.... ...........ps ....can any one see the Aussies opening the doors to all comers ,they only take the cream.!
  10. Rake you must be up & runnin with that 8x50 by know ,how do you find it ?
  11. You would.nt want to be just starting out in the building trade ,what chance to actually learn a trade the way things are know.The traitor Blair gave our jobs for his big EU ambitions........wan.ker
  12. What a great offer .......Top man
  13. How do people NOT see if you pay peanuts you only get monkeys.I was a fibrous plasterer for thirty years ,some of the lads i taught are earning less than when i packed up 10 years ago ...madness.
  14. This man can rightly be called a Legend........RIP ...
  15. sussex


    Good luck to him.....
  16. QUALITY..............that is not just a pen its art ...
  17. Hi Andrew its just my personal preferance,I'm not keen on shooting heavely pregnant doe's.Thats why i go hard at them from december through to the end of feb.I understand if people need to shoot through march its just not for me.
  18. Been a poor winter for goldies , last year we had them on the feeders virtually every day ,there was a couple today but there the 1st ones for nearly a week ,only ever seen 1 bullfinch in 8 years .
  19. Do one or the other.....drink or fight......Very difficult to do them at the same time and make a good job of it .......Bet he wondered what the feck hit him ..Mug
  20. Good work....even better walk .....well done ...
  21. Shooting the A-tec maxim on my 6.5 ,they all sound about the same to me given i'm mutton !!.....
  22. It beggars belief people let an animal get to this condition,my wife works for an equine vet they get horses in like this ,what the fcuk is wrong with these people if you dont want it ,cant look after it ,give it up .Nothing deserves to be starved to death ,other than the arseholes who dish this treatment out ......
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