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Everything posted by sussex

  1. Them roe need to keep there heads down .........or loose em....i'm out in the morning & evening ,you got much snow up there.my mates in perth recons he's got loads of it .
  2. Roy Shaw certainly never had to peddle books ,he had a big property portfollio ,he used the money he earned fighting and ended up a wealthy man ,he may have been a handfull but he was sharp when it come to making a few quid.I grew up in the east end ,my parents had a pub in E3 (bow) all through the sixtys & seventys and we used to get all sorts in there but it ment nothing to me or my brother we were to busy soding around ,it was'nt till much later you realised who was who.My old fella never had any trouble other than the usual drunk who wanted to fight the world after 10 pints.They always
  3. That certainly puts them all in the same spot .,that wind was blowing a bit as well ,some rifles just seem to be spot on from day one ..Put it back under the pillow till this weather passes,dont wont it to get wet & cold............................. :thumbs:
  4. As my old aussie mate would proclaim "she's a ripper".............
  5. Hung out to dry by the german/french alliance, the 10bil euro bail out is small change in the grand scheme ,the EU waste that every year,its about getting every one to do as there told ,nothing must stand in the way of the plan to run all of europe from the fatherland.Sooner we get out the better. .............. not that i see any politican actually letting us have that choice.Certainlly not Camaron,Milly,Clegg,or any of the present bunch of Tos...s, how the feck do we vote these people into power....
  6. Nice to see you dug that scope out from under the pillow.Must have made your neck ache time you spent sleeping on it ........
  7. The 60 mile round trip is the big loss ,put fuel & time in the equation and its a non runner,i see why you do what you do, i dont have that problem because my guy picks up,i originally built my coldroom to cut out the need to get them in to the dealer asap & having to take bad money for them,(the dealer at the time wanted to pay 70p lb)espiecally during the warm months of the fallow season.Whilst £1.20 lb is not the real worth of venison i could'nt afford the time to run it about .With the amount of people selling around here you would have to do some serious milage to sell it private
  8. Having read this thread i know feel i should surrender my hammers.. .. .......
  9. Bite the bullit mate see a doctor,most of the guys on here spend all there time trying to KILL things ,not heal things ...........
  10. He did a couple of series then did the "Le Salvager" ,Makes piles of shite into usefull piles of shite,clever but Norm of new yankie workshop is the dogs knob...!!....allways takes a second to talk about shop safety,no more important rule than to wear these safety glasses,cracks me up ...........norm for the whitehouse.......
  11. Something needs to be done about this ,it will be dogs next,then breaking in and biting young children, these sheep need culling ,Mark my words no good will come of it,breeding attack sheep is a step to far.I'm moving back to stepney for safety's sake. ....................
  12. Stu what they paying up there,my dealer pays £1.20 a lb, been the same all year,picks up within a day or two,no problem with money.Clean body shot is not a problem,if a client has pinned both shoulders we just agree a weight . Thought the price would drop after christmas but it never.Straight man
  13. They are certainly spreading ,i got called out a few months ago to put an injured one down in a someones garden in nutley ,the differance today was how many i see in the space of a few miles. Never seen more than 2 at any one time. I drove up to sufolk the other month there like bloody rabbits up there ,there every where ,bit like our fallow .
  14. I dropped my wife at Gatwick this morning (gone over to my brothers place in spain for a week) On route i see11 muntjac.Not a lot compairedt to some places i know but that is the most i've ever seen around here.Before this morning i had seen the odd one or two on the verges near Forest row ,3 or 4 miles from East Grinstead ,but never this many .I shoot the odd munty on one of my estates not to far away, but it is just the odd one .Makes me wonder just how far they have spread across the Ashdown Forest .I do a fair bit of stalking around there & again see very few .This morning was an eye o
  15. And thats after training........!
  16. Custard,not to thick ,.........what time should we be round ?
  17. That must be the biggest adrenalin rush when you exit that aircraft to swing on what apears a very fine line....PROVIDING .you have the testicles to do it !!!!.....professional ,
  18. As above,not cheap ,but used mine for years .good kit ....
  19. Thought the bloke dressed as a tree put up good show all things considered...........
  20. Fitting they used bronze .....same metal the people who fought that war were made of......go see it .awsome
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