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Everything posted by sussex

  1. Question.........Is every one on the telly a peado.......or do you have to be a peado to get on the telly........its beyond belief...!! they better start building an extension on the scrubs to house this lot....Upside the prison show & disco should be better....
  2. Dont tell me you hav'nt heard of that famous old receipe "Grilled&grated a la scrot" .....Lightly grilled testicles on a bed of grated scrotum ..........im told its unforgetable........ Ps getting the game business up running in these tough times is no mean feat.,Hope it goes from strengh to strengh.
  3. Cheers rake,Up to see wifes old fella ,then across to perth see pal of mine who's having chemo (good stalking man)think were flying up then hire car quick dash round then back the next day so its all pretty tight ,but thanks for the offer.Im normally up two or three times a year so maybe next time.Given chance the fallow will hit it ,but i'l hit a few of them first ! For some reason they dont get on this place in any numbers until dec ,dont know why this should be they rotate the crops etc ,same thing every year always a few about but come dec they pile on ....
  4. They must have wanted to be in there ,they have just planted 30 acres on one of my places put tree guards on which will save them this year but the fallow will be at them next year.Not fenced but they did give us a free high seat .Suposed to be up your way in a couple of weeks ,Cupar, hope that bloody snows gone..
  5. Good result ,sometimes its about doing a job thats got to be done ..! ...Make sur.e they go in the freezer not under the pillow with that gun ... ...did they manage to get through the fence or did they get fenced in ?
  6. Cheapest way is to talk the girlfriend round....food is food.Perhaps take the outer covers of stuff ,& bag it up.Make it look like you bought it not shot/caught/trapped it ..Did'nt think them jock girls worried about them sort of things,the one i married even helps gralloch !!!.... ................ps dont think the solar panels on there own will do the job
  7. I,d leave him, at least until after the rut unless you have other good bucks about......
  8. one of my places they run a little shoot,surrounded by unshot land , we have shot 17 from the highseats while waiting for the deer to make an appearance.The keeper thinks we walk on water.!!..Our best evening we shot 1 each from the seat ,1 fallow buck , & as we were leaving one crossed the track and stopped about 100m out ,my mate put the light on her,i grabbed the rifle,got out ,loaded,then she just started to move when the 6.5 hit .Three foxes ,one deer goodnight.The fox numbers seem to stay the same ,shoot one ,couple of weeks or less later another moves in.Rabbits are slightly down o
  9. Seems half of it was untrue ,the rest was just a load of lies.....Hans Christen Handerson made a good living out of fairy stories.......tos..ers
  10. Borderscot ,gassing,......shite like him dos'nt deseve to die quickly.How the fcuk do you do that to a baby......i hope he lives in fear every day,coward,scum......lost for words.
  11. +1 on gerrard,new that was going in the second it left his boot...
  12. If you shot them...priceless............if you did'nt worthless ..........
  13. Nice one ,good read,sounds like another stalker joins the ranks..!Its always a good feeling getting people on to their 1st deer.Welll done to the guys who made it possible
  14. Many years ago i was out with a keeper mate near milton keynes early morning feeding and his lab dog dived into the undergrowth which then proceeded to erupt,we pushed in to find the dog opened up ,looked like someone had taken a knife to it.We managed to get it out & to the vet who saved it ,Them munty's are dangerous little critters in a tight spot.Had to drop my wife at gatwick early last sat morning(4am) see 11 muntjac on route ,most i've ever seen before was 2 ,.......
  15. sussex


    Bryson thanks for your kind thoughts,whippet condolances to you & your family,i cant guess how many grown men read your post with tears running down there faces,i know i did ....Bryson stay positive mate
  16. Lab.....that put it in to perspective.....we just need to get used to it.........once the generation die of that remembers 66 it will get easier ........
  17. Think we should compare ourselves to the best teams ,we need to look up and be inspired rather than down, and be deluded we are a good team.The man (or woman) that puts his finger on our problem & sorts it will be rewarded by untold grattitude .......& a nice few quid .......that man is not Roy H....He cant inspire me let alone a millionaire footballer,he only speaks words there is no belief in them ......
  18. Passion,leadership,.............we have none,when the going gets tough we have no answers ,if the other team dont roll over and concede defeat we go to pot and end up hanging on praying for the final whistle,how many times do we end up scrapeing a draw when by any stretch of the imagination we should be home and dry .....
  19. British foriegn aid budget for 2014 will be £12.6 BILLION.........(.that is more than it costs for the entire police force)......Lets divert a tiny piece of that to OUR people if required.We surely dont need to be giving aid to countrys who's economey's are outstripping our own ...............
  20. sussex


    Lost my niece 2 weeks ago ,good luck mate hope you get the ok
  21. I see earlier the army was dropping food by helicopter to the worst hit places,i dont think the government can stand by and watch thousands of animals die when its in there power to help regardless of cost,it will only be a short term problem that left will do long term damage to an already hard pushed industry.Better our money spent on our people in times of trouble...
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