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Everything posted by sussex

  1. The laws are already in place to stop you objecting .!
  2. Hindsight .......we’d all be sitting on a yard full of everyday classics ...escorts , cortina’s , all the rs models etc etc ...who would have thought a £1500 escort Mexico would be making £50,000 plus today ..
  3. And ain’t they making some money now ..two door 70’s &80’s models are gold dust .. this ones on the market for £115,000 ..and there’s some making a lot more ..makes me laugh they actually use the fact it has no electronics as a selling point ...how times change .
  4. My mate said when first diagnosed with it , the day I can’t wipe my own arse I’m done ...and that’s exactly what he did .Its often said suicide is a cowards way out , I think , especially in his case that couldn’t be further from the truth ..as I said earlier brave man ..
  5. My pal ended his own life last year , as he said he would when they diagnosed him two years previous , good shooting man who loved his country sport , great shot and well known around Kent shoots and clay grounds ...brave brave man ..
  6. Trouble with having hangers on building your ego , you end up living down to it ...pity he hasn’t stuck to what he has a gift to do and drive cars ..Lineker is the same , full of his own piss and self importance...They make a proper win double ..
  7. The people that made them up Wilf ...Health and safety is big business .. edited to say poor hygiene has a lot to answer for , perhaps if the Chinese had better we wouldn’t all be up shitcreek ...
  8. sussex

    Had to!

    He’d do better covering up those floor tiles ....?
  9. Wearing gloves for gralloching is now a must , all venison carcasses put into the food chain will need a ticket to make them traceable should there be a problem .There is a difference between butchering the animal when it has already been skinned , and when it’s still in the jacket , you now can’t have carcasses with the jacket on and prepared or ready to be meat in the same chiller .Like everything times and practices change .. Ive often kept carcasses for a month or more with no mould showing , and certainly not an inch thick ..Treating the carcass properly before it goes in the chill
  10. This mornings sunrise , they are pretty spectacular at the moment .
  11. They are common down here in the med , cracking pics mate .
  12. Looks like your keeping busy mate ..I’ll pm you ..?
  13. Jávea , mid way between Valencia and Alicante on the Costa Blanca ...on a clear day you can see Ibiza..?
  14. It’s a bit different here mate , a fox was seen a couple of times near the town and it made the local rag ..? mind a little bit south of javea they have more boar than foxes by country mile ..
  15. Get it mate, Spain runs on bits of paper with stamps on ...The Guardia and police can be sticklers for it , work on it’s better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it ...?
  16. Someone palmed as of with a load , kept all the good ones for themselves ....?
  17. Weather down here is glorious, sadly game is a bit sparse to say the least .. Cant have it all I suppose..?
  18. I’ll miss that this year ! ..being out mid October when the rut is in full swing watching the big boys jousting is special , sat out and watched them , many times declining a shot , just to see the going big boys having a go .. Used to make me laugh when you’d have a few prickets trying to lord it over the ladies , only for a young buck to put the wind up them and chase them off , just as he was trying it on a mature buck would see him off double quick , before the real big boy appeared and he would disappear as quick as he appeared., .very occasionally you would witness to good bucks get
  19. Spoke to my pal today who’s looking after one of my places , he said they were going at it the weekend .He knocked over a couple of prickets and see a couple of older bucks ..None of the big boys has shown up yet but it’s early days ..
  20. Don’t buy one mate .....you’ll end up with cobwebs on all the other ones in the cabinet .......?
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