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Everything posted by sussex

  1. I was talking to my pal who took over my deer perms , my old game dealer who I have traded with for ten plus years and always paid me a premium for quality carcasses said it’s down to 50p a KILO , before lockdown .Thats dog food money ..we always got a minimum of £2.50 per kilo in the jacket ...my mates processing a lot of venison ! !
  2. I’m nearly seventy and noticed the weather has a big bearing on what I do ...a few years ago the weather was just the weather , now it’s a play maker ....?
  3. I had seven elms on my old place , all dead but all with tpo’s I was bloody hard work getting the orders removed .The fines for cutting them down were unbelievable , I had to get a report from an arborist to verify the trees were dead and the removal wouldn’t adversely affect the area and shit loads of other information , even then it was going to be months , in the end a letter from my solicitor to the effect that should the trees get blown down in a storm and anyone or anything gets damaged they would be held responsible ..Their arborist then came out and gave the ok .. Had the trees b
  4. That cracked me up , my late sister to a tee ! ..
  5. Saved your reputation that one socks ...Rip Ray ...
  6. Shame that mate , has it been a poor season all over , or have some areas had your share as well ..what’s the next tag ? .
  7. It’s chilled up here as well mate , I was considering long trousers at one point but it crept back up to 21c so stuck with the shorts .. Good luck with the moose Ted ....
  8. At last in these dark days of Covid a little ray of of light , who said Covid was all bad ..??
  9. You couldn't make it up ..?
  10. Looks like deer slot Edited to say fallow by the look of it ..
  11. She breaking them teeth in for a horse ..
  12. I bet he can feel the cold hand of death on his shoulder .....
  13. sussex

    Horse meat

    I recon venison will be cheaper mate , the game dealer offered 50p a KILO .the other day ..he’s rammed out with it and can’t move it quick enough ..worth an ask round .
  14. ...at what range ? I can see pellet fragmentation being an issue if your using the .177 at short range , obviously using the .22 Weihrauch with the extra weight and a 1in 9 twist barrel you should be fine ...?
  15. Got to be .22 ...the .177 carries further but you must need the stopping power of the .22 if your hunting buffalo ..I’d certainly want someone behind with a .22 , just as back up , if I did try the .177 ...?
  16. No time for fence sitters mate , let’s hear what you really think of him ....?
  17. I spent four days trying to get a shot at a fallow doe with one rear leg hanging by a inch of skin and the other back leg broke at the joint with no luck , four months later I shot her from a high seat not 100m from where I first see her ...how that animal got about for four months baffles me ...I was convinced it had died ...It was skin and bones but got about surprisingly well given its injuries ..they are one tough animal ..
  18. Bet he’s dressing up as the maid and there giving his derrick a proper seeing to ..,?
  19. ....and asked to go back to Nigeria ..
  20. sussex


    I dropped a car off the other day for repair , opposite the garage there was about fifteen fellas up step ladders looking over a wall , turns out they were watching their kids at football training ..Not only had they brought the kids training they carted a set of step ladders along ..dedicated these Spanish lads .
  21. I’m off the biscuits , especially chocolate ones , they melt in two minutes out here ..I’ll have to keep the nail of a gun ...?
  22. Would you swap it for a T3 lite s/s synthetic with an Atec mod in 6.5 x55 swede ..? ?
  23. The 4.2 , 24valve turbo , 5speed manual with the three diff lockers are going up daily ..they only made the 24 v for about three years or so , but 25 year old ones with 250,000 are making £10,000 plus , there’s one on eBay with only 115,000 on the clock that’s up at £13,000 ...you couldn’t buy that model over here , in a left hooker for £20,000 ...they are classics and just about the most reliable vehicle ever made ...
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