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Everything posted by sussex

  1. I can’t see anyone who has gone through the legal route to get an FAC stupid enough to risk loosing it by shooting someone’s alpacas they have had a falling out with mate ..they’d put themselves front and centre on plods inquiry board ..I’d run with the silly cnut theory ..
  2. sussex


    Strange how for thousands of years people have got by ..then along comes an expert ! ..
  3. ….and you don’t get to shoot back ..
  4. Swallows and martins are all over the place , slightly later than last year but the weathers been a lot wetter and cold ..
  5. Tosalet is five minutes away from me , I’m at Pinasol , Tosalet just scraped by the other year when we had the big fire ..by the end of the second day it had burnt from the top of the hill down to my mates garden , it stopped right next to his villa , that white shed got singed when that conifer burnt ..
  6. It’ll be six years in may ! ..where did that go .Still happy I made the move ..
  7. Jávea , Nice bright morning 19c , having coffee in the Carnival bar before work at the villa ..
  8. Deer numbers in the UK are at an all time high , with the invasive species like muntjac , CWD (Chinese water deer) and sika spreading year on year .Our native ( since Roman times) Fallow are at pest levels in some parts of the UK .The two permissions I had which totalled 1700acres in southern England I was culling around 130/140 per season , my mate who now manages it is taking 170/ 180 although he has increased the land area by 300 acres ..99% fallow .. i had a few guys from the states out stalking with me , mostly mates of mates , they couldn’t believe how much freedom we have to shoot
  9. You do not need a fac to go on a paid stalk , you use estate rifle , and it would be possible to get your fac for deer without having your own land/ permission .You would need to prove bookings etc , and would be restricted to use .
  10. Spanish bridge I came across this morning ! ..I didn’t actually cross it ..
  11. Hi Rob , long time no see ..
  12. Yet 340 something MPs can claim their heating bills on 2nd homes ..which are also paid for on expenses ..good work if you can get it ..
  13. Middle of October the fallow rut is on ..they do like to shred a bush or two ..
  14. I managed to miss one the other evening while driving the wife’s car , biggest wild boar I’ve ever seen , it wouldn’t have wanted to hit it in my landcruiser , let alone her little car ..there’s a tidy few of them about now .
  15. Few years back my brother arrived back at his villa to find the pressa guarding a chewed up trainer ….it wasn’t one of his ..someone had a very very lucky escape ..
  16. It’s what comes from letting women out on there own with a loaded firearm …?, mind it’s easy enough to make a mistake , it had all the characteristics of a wolf , four legs , tail and a mouth full of teeth ..it’s easy done ..? If their is a plus side I bet all the other owners keep there dogs on a lead when there in the park ..?
  17. There is a young Spanish couple we bump into some mornings that bought a Mali pup on the back of watching loads of vids on how clever and how easy they are to train ..they give no thought to how much time , effort and knowledge is required to get a dog to that level, I’m sure they think they can give the dog a book and let it crack on , now nearly six months old they are getting dragged along for its early morning less than a mile walk ..if ever there’s a disaster waiting to happen it’s them ..
  18. Now is the time to take the knee ..RIP The Queen ..
  19. sussex


    End of an era that will never be repeated ..RIP The Queen ..
  20. sussex

    The Queen

    Read that and thought you had some inside news …?
  21. If not , it might be the way forward ..?
  22. The fallow get very very wary when put under to much pressure , it wouldn’t take to many nights for them to spook at the first sight or sound of people or machines .While some night shooting would work you risk the chance of moving them to places you can’t get at them at all .By the time the season was half done we could see the pattern developing where they new where they were safe and stayed there .We could often see 350 plus laying out all day in safe fields and only in the last couple did we get access that allowed us to move them around .What ever the law says you are going to have people
  23. We fish quite a lot on the Jucar river near Cullera , you wouldn’t believe the amount of rubbish Spanish anglers leave behind , I bet every single time we go we collect a black sack full and it hardly makes a dent in it ..they have this someone else will clear it up attitude ..the English lads that fish to a man take their rubbish home ..
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