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About frogspawn

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    Rookie Hunter

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  1. they work ok but it's not as good as a mk4.imo,
  2. what does everyone look for in a ferret to make it a bad worker?? i'd like a few of those i reckon,
  3. ah well hopefully next time will be worse for you hey!
  4. tip boiling water on them they will come straight off,
  5. can't you dig the trees up??or would the landowner not like that?
  6. copper wire is ok,doesn't snag much,or fog but it's hard to knit.
  7. I like how everyone seems to know its kids that have murdered these ferrets and must have irresponsible parents just by hearing how they may have died,all kids are clueless,swing them by their necks,ffs bunch of know nothing know it alls
  8. I bought a hw100t a few weeks ago and it is as good as the reports claim,a very good rifle in every way,if you like it half as much as i like mine then you are going to like it a LOT !!!!
  9. There is nothin wrong with the one in link and it sounds like the modded ones work really well but as ive been given one i will use it a few times and then see if I need to replace it,cheers for the info though gave me stuff to bear in mind.
  10. My brother has just given me a torch very similar to the ones I was lookin at so going to give this a go for a while see how it is,if I dont like it will look at somethin different,thanks all.
  11. Thanks for the info i'll perhaps look at somethin else,maybe a LED lenser or one that takes standard batteries at least.
  12. hi all i'm looking at buying an ultrafire 501 with pressure switch and am looking for users of these to answer a couple of questions please,firstly is it an adjustable beam,ie spot to flood and secondly does it take standard batteries,ie aa or aaa?
  13. hi all just a quick hello i just signed up over my morning tea after reading threads for some time thought i'd start to get involved a bit seems a good community of knowledgeable and sensible on here so should be good,i hunt mostly with air rifles and ferrets but enjoy hawks when i can tag along and am soon to apply for my sgc and fac(air rifle,maybe .22lr),thats enough for now i think,bye for now.........................
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