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Everything posted by Bluelungbutter

  1. Got a few books that i think would be of some use to someone. 1. The first one is " Basic Butchering of Livestock & Game" This book covers the basics of dispatching and butchering meats including Cows, pigs, deer, rabbits and poultry also has quite a few recipes in it. It is American based with the use of the word hog and such like but a good book none the less. Looking for £8 delivered SOLD http://www.amazon.com/Basic-Butchering-Liv...r/dp/0882663917 2. The next one is Rabbit Control by Jackie Drakeford. Self explanitory this one i guess. Covers more or less everything t
  2. Sounds like jealousy to me! At the end of the day the shot has to be safe whether you've decided the land is safe for your calibre or your feo has decided it. Not too sure on the reason why we get an 'open' ticket automatically. Where i am a lot of my land is within 1 mile of a town so not exactly remote. I actually got told by my feo that he didn't see the point in a closed certificate as he couldn't be there to see each and every angle that a shot was tacken from and even although the land is cleared at the end of the day there's just some shots that shouldnt be taken even with a 12
  3. Fold the legs down when stalking about. At least then your ready to use them with the minimum fuss and the point of balance should be further back. Only way it gets in the way is in long grass. DunK
  4. To be using agricultural tax it would have to be on agricultural buisness relating to that farm no matter what the distance. Don't really think distance comes into it that much although i dare say there is a maximum distance of some sort. Normal road tax for a quad can't be that much. Might be easier and better piece of mind to get that. DunK
  5. Agreed. If your doing a 'job' then you use the best tool for the job but if it's for the stalk then an air rifle can be ace. However i can't wait till i hear the conversation. " So did you get much when you were out?" Yeah got 1 rabbit. I stalked right up to it. I must have gotten to about 100 yards from it." That's when we've lost all reality of bushcraft and stalking ability. DunK
  6. I've got a 10/22 and once you get the ammo that suits best then it's a good little semi auto. Also there are more aftermarket parts than you can shake a stick at !!! DunK
  7. I would suggest the S410 carbine rather than the TDR. S410 is an amazing airgun. As one guy said to me. " They're ace, they just do the job" DunK
  8. Hi chap where did you get your range finder from? arcpest Mine was £95 delivered from MTC optics. Cracking little thing. Says it'll do 600 yards but i never use it past 200. Perfect for airgun and RF. However i do the stepping out thing all the time and out to about 100 yards i'm within 5 or so yards. Practise practise practise. DunK
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