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About Bluelungbutter

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  • Birthday 14/05/1975

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  • Location
    Angus Scotland
  1. I personally wouldn't spend a fortune on glass for a .22 i use a 3-9 MTC Cobra which is more than enough for a .22 i believe. No recoil, very few shots will be near the 100 yard mark. Buy the CZ and a trigger kit and spend the rest on ammo and enjoy. That said mate watch how you phrase long range shots as our sport is under major scrutiny all the time and an innocent comment if phrased wrong can turn you into a crazed killer. That said mate get out there and have fun. DunK
  2. I have 2 rimfires. Both CZ's, one in .22 and the other in .17HMR. .22 is accurate out to 100 metres max and the .17HMR is accurate out to 160 metres with no aiming off between 40 metres and 120 metres, so really a point and shot sort of setup. However if there is a gusty wind no matter how light the range comes right down. I like both rifles and they both have a place in my rabbit shooting. Cost is an issue as HMR ammo is far more expensive than .22 ammo and for a start you'll have to try a few different brands as every barrel seems to like a different brand. You can't just say a CZ li
  3. Hi and sorry to bother you, I've just got a T3 in .223 and was planning to put an MTC Viper 6-24x50 on it, I was just wondering if you can reply with a few words regarding your set up and if the scope is worthy of the rifle and wether they make a good combination.



  4. If your shooting at the usual .22 ranges then i can recommend the MTC Cobra 3x9-50. Really good at night under the lamp. I personally wouldn't spend a fortune on a scope for a .22lr especially if you do a lot of lamping. Just a decent quality mil dot reticuled scope. Then again i have been known to bash mine when lamping so i could be biased. DunK
  5. you dont have to wait you could add it now as long as you got reason for it. oh nice one jamie thanks for that just had to drive one hour to a range As said mate add it now as you have a very good reason to own one as you can't get a local club for the .17. DunK
  6. I love my HMR. A lot of folk can't stand the thought of it but i think it's an ace little round. DunK
  7. Would i be right in saying that if his mate he shoots with shoots on the land with a .22 then that land would be cleared for .22 because as he has an open licence so has assesed it safe for that. Or does that just stand for the actual shooter. DunK
  8. I tried loads of different types of ammo, finally settled for eley sub. Shoved on a 3-9X50 scope, shot it off a bipod and could still only manage an inch at 50 metres. I often found the first one out of the mag was a flyer too?? Mine was new to me as well and i think with a bit of fettling it could have shot a lot better but to be honest i traded it in for a CZ 452 and never looked back. DunK
  9. Another one for the brookes kit here. Cheap? I'd say. When i bought mine because of the dollar pound exchange rate it worked out around £8. Have already used it to do both my CZ's and there are still two springs and bushes left to do another two. DunK
  10. used cci subsonic , no i havent are they worth getting ? Absolutley mate. The cheapest modification for your gun that will make one hell of a difference. I've done both of my CZ's with a brookes kit. DunK
  11. We have 150 milking cows with all the bef offspring that comes from that. So we always have something calving or with calf so if you see a field of seemingly placid dairy cows then watch yourself. I know of 2 guys who have actually been killed after being crushed by bulls but still i'd trust them over cows anyday. DunK
  12. You've got to watch when in the field with cattle lads. All it takes is one to dunt you over and they'll be over the top of you 'playfully' stomping you into the ground. Been a few accidents with walkers and cattle lately. Even young bullocks are solid little beggers and they can do a lot of damage with their playfullness!! What ever you do don't go into a field with cows in it just incase there is a bull running with them or even young calves, as you will find yourself clearing the fence by several feet. If your lucky. As for staring them down!! Don't rely on that everytime becau
  13. If you can spot a bit of damage in a field the farmer owns it's good to let him know about it and the fact that you can do something about it. What ever you do, don't go round at lunch time or 5 o'clock, as farmers don't get much time to themselves and meal times are sacred. If it's a smaller farm then through the day would be the best bet to kind of meet them as they are going about their work. A bigger farm will have an office so a quick pop in through the day would probably be in order. To be honest though mate this is a dodgy time of year to try and get permission as harvest w
  14. My understanding of the points on your licence were more what they were points for rather than the amount of them. I think it's just another guage of your character or whether you are a resposible person. DunK
  15. I know of a guy in the Scottish Tayside region who has had his .44 Marlin opened up from target to being cleared for vermin, which up here covers fox. As said very bluntly above though mate check with your feo. DunK
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