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Benn McIntyre

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Everything posted by Benn McIntyre

  1. Amazing catapult! How do you cap the wood? Is it just a case of gluing it together? Benn
  2. Cool looking piece of kit you have there! How well does it work?
  3. I have a series 3 land rover with NO Tax/MOT. Locking Hubs, runs and drives well. PM me if interested.
  4. Hi all, I'm looking for a recipe for Rabbit Hash. I have a rabbit boiling at the moment. As I'm skint at the mo I'm looking for cheap easy recipes. I imagine a hash would be an easy/cheap dish as I don't really have much if a store cupboard at the moment. I had a google but couldn't see much, anybody point me in the right direction? Thanks, Benn
  5. First off not sure if this is the right section so sorry if it is. Hi all, I am after a personalised collar for a birthday present and can't seem to find what I'm after. Basically I want this http://bit.ly/1gjUHWM But in a lighter tan colour and with the text "Flo like the wind" Anybody on here know where I can get one? Many thanks, Benn
  6. There has been a lot of "bitching" over Facebook about the nets over the last few days. I would like to let you know that the nets are of the highest quality no matter what people have told you. We offer a 1 year guarantee. This guarantee covers all defects due to manufacture. We will replace any nets free of charge if they are damaged or fail due to a manufacture fault. We aim to provide fantastic customer service and the highest quality products. You are welcome to haggle over prices as the prices shown are only a guideline. Thanks, Benn
  7. The 2 tones are more expensive as it takes longer to do. If you dont agree with the price you are welcome to haggle.
  8. 12 mins left! Buy now and we will throw in two free nets! http://bit.ly/1fR5DZb Message us with your eBay name to confirm who you are!
  9. His eBay user ID is Thomasseale He is doing it in his spare time as a hobby and has more than he can shake a stick at so I am helping him to sell a few. He also wants to start making custom ordered ones. Send him a message on Facebook if you have any questions
  10. Spun polyester nets with braided nylon drawstrings. Would have to talk to my friend about discounts but I imagine it will be either money off or buy 10 get 2 free or something along those lines
  11. Hi all, my friend has started making nets and selling on eBay. I can sort out discount for hunting life members if you are interested. https://www.(!64.56:886/profile.php?id=463456340418691&__user=611877926
  12. Hi all, I'm in a real financial struggle at the moment and I feel I don't use the gun enough to justify keeping it. It's only been used 4 times since February when I bought it from Chichester Armoury. It comes with a Nikko Sterling 4x32 MountMaster scope Official Brocock silencer One Mag filling adapter Sling Targets Almost a full tin of Diablo field pellets Sorry about the poor photos. Condition is near mint no visible scratches on gun, the scope has a few scratches on it though. Im asking £400 Ono for a fast response please text/call me on 07710668623
  13. Im looking for some sort of camo for my silencer and scope. i was looking at the Jack Pyke Neoprene moderator covers but they are HUGE. What do you guys use? Many thanks
  14. Wow, you lot are F***ing harsh. Poor lad is just asking for you lot to keep an eye out for his first car that obviously has alot of centimenal value. It may not be the best looking thing, so what? You lot need to have a rethink about your lives.
  15. My new toy Brocock contour super 6 .177 + Nikko Sterling mountmaster 4x40 AO
  16. Surely if you're going to take this piss you should get the spelling correct. It's shoot, not shot.
  17. Got mine on saturday. Going out wednesday to a new permission. 96 acres of untouched rabbit infested land i will be dissapointed if i dont blood her. Exciting stuff!
  18. It's a fantastic feeling, it's my first rifle got 96 acres of permission to shoot/ferret on too. I'm going to zero it tomorrow as my mate lives on a farm but he is away so I can just stare at her until tomorrow
  19. Brocock contour super 6 with Nikko Sterling Mountmaster 12x40 and brocock silencer Just need to blood her now
  20. Just buy an electric one, mine cost £40 new on ebay, charge it once a week.
  21. Brilliant video, Im picking mine up on saturday Can't Wait!
  22. Its not a black widow. We have them all over the UK. They are known as false widow spiders - Steatoda nobilis http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steatoda_nobilis There is no chance they will kill you unless you are alergic to the venom, much the same as wasps/bees/ants. If you get bitten you are likely to have swelling for 24 hours and at worst be sick.
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