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Benn McIntyre

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About Benn McIntyre

  • Rank
    Born Hunter

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  • Location
    West sussex

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  1. Just a sign of a great shot, I had one do similar today! No photo of the clot itself unfortunately
  2. Biltong Update, after 4 days biltong came out of box. And went straight in my belly! It was delicious! It was a little dry for my liking so either less time in the box or a lower wattage. Flavour wise, tasted great but next time im using double the seasoning as although it was there it was only just there and I want it to pack more of a punch! Luckily I have a huge chunk of silverside to get cracking with!
  3. Just hung my first piece of silverside beef. It's been marinaded and seasoned with sea salt, black pepper, corriander and paprika. Oh and a little vinegar. Now hung and got to wait 3-4 days and hope it has gone well! No idea what I'm looking for so playing it by eye... And nose i guess!
  4. Quick update, finally finished my Biltong box. Going to go to the butcher's tomorrow and get some silverside beef to test out the seasoning and the box etc before the pigeon goes in!
  5. So! Up early this morning over to my mates farm for a few hours on the pigeons using his shotguns. Got some new camo I wanted to try out too! So Got the decoys set up, few pigeons, few magpies and a couple of crow decoys set, Jimny burried in the hedge to use as a hide. Was pretty uneventful, few high flying pigeons but nothing within range. After 3 1/2 hours of waiting we decided to pack up the shotties, grab the air rifles and head into the horse paddocks on the farm. The paddocks aren't huge but are surrounded by oak, beech and birch trees. The pigeons and the squirrels love em! Low a
  6. So after yesterday's downpour I decided it would be a good idea to head over to my new permission again. Lots of nice damp green grass the bunnies would be out and gourging on it I told myself. Got there and sure enough plenty of rabbits around, however it was blowing a gale! 40mph gusts apparently. Rabbits were very nervous which is unusual for this bunch, I couldn't get within 60 yards before they scattered! Pigeons were the same, couldn't get near them. After an hour of stalking, a rabbit wandered out about 25 yards in front of me. Just as I lined up my shot a buzzard flew over,
  7. My mate was out again with his this weekend
  8. Friend of mine has one in .22 it's a lovely gun. Weighs nothing, mags are very sturdy. Trigger is super light and I like the fact it packs down into the hardcase. Very nice piece of kit!
  9. Currently have a BSA R10 MK2 and trying to decide if I would benefit from fitting a bipod to it. I would say 65% of my shooting is done walking round fields/farmland/woodland taking standing shots as they appear and the remaining 35% is taken from prone position on a hedgerow at 2 permissions. Those who have bipods, do you find them irritating when not using them? Do you remove and attach them as needed for each session? Just trying to weigh up the pros and cons before I jump in and buy one Thanks in advance! Benn
  10. Yep, i posted to facebook too Thanks for the heads up though!
  11. One was, one was a bit on the older side. Young one was much nicer!
  12. Some of yesterday's bunnies turned into some super yummy deep fried bunny nuggets. This was my first time ever deep frying something so it was a bit hit and miss hence why they are looking a little overdone! (Extra crispy) ? They did taste very nice though and the McCains Triple Cooked chips were very nice on the side! Simple to make too! cup of flour, onion powder, garlic powder, paprika, baking soda and ginger beer all made up to a pancake type batter! Fry and enjoy!
  13. So over the weekend I met with the owners of a rather large property in a very rural location. It's about 10 acres of garden FULL of bunnies. They have lived there for 25 years and have let the rabbits run wild! So with a quick hand shake it was agreed I could shoot! Follow on to yesterday evening, finished work. Got in the car and headed straight over there arriving around 5:05pm. I pulled up and counted 4 rabbits sat on the hedge line about 100 yards from me. I slowly made my way along a nearby fence line trying to be as quiet as possible, I managed to get a little one from about
  14. Hi folks! Just curious as to everyone's choice of clothing when out on farmland after bunnies/wood pigeons and the odd squirrel? Do you wear camo? Wear normal clothes? What about for inclement weather? When it's really hot or torrential rain and freezing! Cheers, Benn
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