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Everything posted by WEDGEY

  1. Who's the one on the right jigsaw
  2. that's twice in days I've seen that
  3. Dave loves it Walshies the man , thats why hes top mod that'll be me soon lol
  4. If I was that mad cat women I'd burn that house to the ground before they'd get a 100 grand off me
  5. do you start your dog's at a early age Lee ??
  6. There's a hunting man in the North who with his small pack of hounds and lurchers accounts for 3 or 4 hundred foxes each season and if I remember correctly I think he told me a few years back that he had 30 out of roofs one year. assuming he would he have guns with him too Neil? I haven't hunted with them for a few years but always thought they had a gun or two out for those corners not suitable for a lurcher.Must be different men these lads I know don't like lads shooting them. would his name be s.t. if so he wouldn't have guns out no matter wat that's a fact
  7. The boys your talking about (HATE GUNS) and they account for 300+ every year more than some of the other hound pack lads with guns....and his hounds are first class
  8. I've only ever seen one Glen work personally I thought it was a tube has anyone ever seen one work and what was it like??
  9. Good strong bold looking pup for 4 months,like the look of him.if he shapes up like his mother and father I'll be happy
  10. Gutted I couldn't go kev the lads said they had some craic in the bar that night especially when the ticket scandal when on lol
  11. He's a cracking pup full of himself He thinks he owns the place lol
  12. very nice m4d the dog on the left looks very like dog's I seen recently
  13. 100% wedgey , would love to see concert for the kids that are murdered day and daily in Palestine.....your right mate they haven't a chance over their God bless them
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