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Everything posted by mick

  1. Dont know who the judges are but i dont fancy it myself some cracking dogs there Mick..
  2. Bloody hell AB your really makeing me off now what with kennels dogs and now a view to die for Mick..
  3. Dont know about view from the kennel wish it was the view from my house Looks like a nice spot you live in there
  4. Sky thats what the wife called our new one
  5. Bloodyhell AB how many dogs you got
  6. Where did he get them from Have they got a web sight they look ideal for terriers Mick..
  7. Hi Winkhound smart looking set up your got there can you tell us a bit about them Mick..
  8. Looks like you should have some decent pups there best of luck
  9. Glad to hear he settled in
  10. Hope you get her back mate Mick..
  11. mick


    Top looking pup your got there
  12. Your right there why waste good money breeders should be ashamed of themselves
  13. As the old saying goes SLAP HER ARSE AND RIDE THE RIPPLES
  14. Cheers Mike Like the look of the bottom one Jeff very nice Mates comeing round later to have a good nose at them sure hes gonna like them i do Mick..
  15. Cheers for putting the picture up mike is that a male or a bitch Cheers Mick..
  16. Putting this up for a mate as hes not got a computer. Hes thinking of getting a 3/4Whippet 1/4 Bedlington can anyone put afew pictures up for him so he can see how they turn out height and weight wise. Cheers Mick..
  17. Do what a mate of mine does Catch it take its colla off and take it to the local catpound as a stray. job done
  18. Nice looking Border mines 13 weeks never had such a quite pup
  19. You sure it was the lass David
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