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Everything posted by david.kean.21

  1. depends on what they're used for ..
  2. crackin photos fuji really like the collie x , defo gonna be my next x when the times comes
  3. heedlahawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww from the port haha
  4. I love the look of bull greys, but maybe as my second dog eh? defo mate lol. and if going for a terrier make that your last decision haha
  5. Thanks for that Andy. I'm going to read a lot and consider lots of good v bad points before I make my decision. I didn't want to get myself something and then find you have to be some kind of expert to train them. Cheers. no'ones an expert mate. patience and persisstance and constant work with the mut.. canny go wrong
  6. collie whippet, take a dog of the easier type to train read up on diffrent breads before u decide. a took a bull gray as my first and a swear a could kill her at times
  7. nice pair mate, prefer the darker 1 looks proper evil what height they standing at?
  8. ma jack russels way of beggin lol
  9. tess and zara and again ma big toe aswell haha tess , meerdog spot of ratting. out a walk
  10. few pictures of ma dog and ma brothers pup .. young blaze coming on well .. zara again zara and blaze cracking veiw ..
  11. just because u cant see them, dont mean there not there.. its a diffrent situation when theres a dog sniffin about
  12. this no drinking aint cuttin it 1 bit!!

    1. jamesmc


      murder aint it...lol

    2. david.kean.21
    3. P5HEN


      mmmm lovely golden stella haha

  13. gettin er mate canny wait till the brothers dogs up and killing
  14. cheers bull gray, not sure exactly how much and whats in her was a quick buy turned out cracking tho.
  15. if the bitch is from a good line u could always use her for a litter
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