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Everything posted by A1WOC

  1. Many thanks Davy for all the extra work you have had to do to secure another venue. My car will be on auto pilot and follow the tracks it made going to the AA meet. Regards, Steve
  2. Many thanks Davy for all the extra work you have had to do to secure another venue. My car will be on auto pilot and follow the same tracks it made going to the AA meet earlier in the year. Regards, Steve
  3. As some of you will know, on Friday last I changed the barrel on my .22 TX200HC to .177; the hardest part was removing the.22 barrel that was securely fixed in place with a very tight nut and lots of loctite, at the same time I cleaned, polished and re-greased the action. Over the weekend I put a couple of hundred pellets through it and it is now really smooth and also quite consistent over the chronograph. The chrono readings over a string of twenty four varied by 9fps from the lowest to the highest and produced an average 710fps (9.45ftlb) with AA Field straight out of the tin. I recorded th
  4. My .177 TX200HC chronographs at 710fps (9.5ftlb) and is ultra smooth, extremely accurate with a trajectory curve not dissimilar to my .177 HW100kt at 11.4ftlb. It may be a little noisy with only the standard insert in the shroud but when I fit a Hugget moderator via an adapter it is very quiet for a springer. Is it really necessary to run at maximum permissible power in an air rifle to achieve results? I think not, I am more than happy with the way mine performs. Regards, Steve
  5. Many thanks for your suggestions, Regards, Steve
  6. Cheers steve set them up then had a walk into the woods and took a crow strait out at 25 yards turned the zoom up and made the crows eye look like a tennis ball :laugh: so she is still living up to her new name the famous CROW SPORT some of my mate,s are starting to call me the CROW MAN atvbmac Must get some tips of you 'CROW MAN', a recent request to cull crows is proving more difficult than I first thought. It’s a farmyard with very little natural cover. Tried last night with magpie, and crow decoys, even used a battery pecking crow with lots of bread scattered around. Plenty o
  7. Very nice addition to the ‘crow sport’ Regards, Steve
  8. My .177 loves Accupell too, followed by AA Field as close second. Regards, Steve
  9. I am very happy with the results so far and pleased I decided to change the barrel to .177; the action remained unchanged other than a polish and re-grease. Although I have only fired about 150 pellets through the new barrel at the moment the chrono reading has stabilised at around 710fps (9.45ftlb). I have eliminated AA Field and Accupell for the time being as it currently prefers 4.53 JSB’s, when it is fully settled in I will test a variety of pellets in earnest. Only two negatives at the moment, it’s quite a bit louder and a little harsher that it was as a .22, but I expected that anyway.
  10. Well it did, and I have; now I’ve just got to wait for the loctite to set properly and I can try it out. Regards, Steve
  11. Today when I returned from shopping (please don’t ask why), a card from the postman informing me to collect a parcel from my local depot was in the letter box. The only parcel I am expecting is from Bond Gun Accessories Ltd; that will hopefully contain a new .177 barrel to replace the .22 barrel on my TX200HC. Not being one to sit around twiddling my thumbs, I thought it would be a good idea to prepare my TX200HC in anticipation of collecting the parcel on Friday morning that contains my new .177 barrel (I hope) so I may fit it as soon as it is in my possession. Removed the scope, removed th
  12. Hats off to your accuracy at 50m Si; I’ve been practicing with my HW100 at 50m off a bipod and struggle to achieve the same group as you and your springer. I know my HW100 and pellets are matched, I know my technique is right even down to firing between heart beats. I am very close but fail to match your tight groups. Regards, Steve
  13. Loading the ten shot magazine of my AA410 with .22 AA Field pellets is easy, they just drop into the holder through the hole in the clear Perspex cover, and then I rotate the holder to align with the hole for the next pellet. The problem I have been having is the pellet falls out through the same loading hole in the Perspex when the magazine is turned over if it isn’t set in the half indexing location AA illustrate in the manual. Upon examination the rotating holder has an O-ring around the circumference off-set nearer to the back plate to prevent the pellets going all the way through and drop
  14. I have seen “CROW SPORT” referred to in his posts, what is it? Regards, Steve
  15. I went with a friend to his farm permission on Saturday night that was overrun by rats earlier this year. When we got there the farmer greeted us with “not so many rats now lads but can you do anything with the crows?” We hung around a couple of hours but all we saw where several large feral cats. On our last visit the resident cat was suckling her kittens; they are now fully grow and doing us out of a job. On our next visit we will be prepared for a crow cull by taking decoys, bread and a tapper. Regards, Steve
  16. oh god, we``l starve, somebody give Raj a poke and see if he`ll provide the curry Or rabbit bhajees,yum, yum!
  17. Very pleased for you Simon, the end result is no less than you deserve after the long and frustrating wait. Regards, Steve
  18. The rabbit tattoo on my head doesn’t work then!
  19. I just love your variety of avatars and your signature ArchieHood, they always put a smile on my face and thoughts in my mind. Regards, Steve.
  20. A good barrister with a get you out of jail card!
  21. Are there any members of this forum that are active members of Anston FTC? I would like to become a probationary member but need an Anston club member to introduce/accompany me to the club. Please contact me via PM if you are able to oblige. Regards, Steve
  22. I’m surprised the first RFD that chronoed your Ultra gave it back to you! Why on earth did you have it chronoed again at another RFD and risk it being withheld? Regards, Steve
  23. Bored silly due to the rain preventing me from working in the garden, I decided to stay dry and do a little shooting practice from my first floor bedroom window. I have a paper target holder, one knockdown/resettable crow and a gallery of four resetting targets at exactly 50m from my window, with my 1.2m high brick boundary wall as a safe backstop for the pellets; in addition I have several paper targets and several knockdown targets at closer distances. The rain (sometimes heavy) was playing havoc with the pellets accuracy, but in between showers I was enjoying hitting the targets shooting fr
  24. In addition to posting your sale on this forum, you could try Gunstar http://www.gunstar.co.uk/default.aspx It’s reasonably priced and I have advertised and sold four air rifles very quickly on there. Regards, Steve
  25. That’s a bit of nice shooting Rob; the nickel action will look great in a nice wood stock too. Regards, Steve
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