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satan and todd

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Status Replies posted by satan and todd

  1. i am william wallace yet again

  2. right off to take the saluki for a shine see if hes obedient or rude lol

  3. wet one the night!! new cars lost its lamping virginity lol

  4. This finding the 'right' pup senario is starting to get on my tits!

    1. satan and todd

      satan and todd

      what is it your looking for ?? if ye dont mind me asking

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  5. wild ole night out there, dogs near blew away a few times haha

  6. wild ole night out there, dogs near blew away a few times haha

    1. satan and todd

      satan and todd

      just got in fell in a fooking slurry pit of shite ffs

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  7. i thrive off BULLSHIT ha ha

    1. satan and todd

      satan and todd

      ha ha lmfao...not on stella tonite feller like a said earlier lampings on the menu ok red jacker .....lol

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  8. got some guests following me round the site....antis bobbys and rspca scum...

    1. satan and todd

      satan and todd

      greenseed your the site prick thats fact.....pinguu very funny sonny...

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  9. got some guests following me round the site....antis bobbys and rspca scum...

  10. got some guests following me round the site....antis bobbys and rspca scum...

  11. BBW smash up tonight, ''fcuking buzzing'' arse shots allowed lol

  12. Best place in hampshire to get a fox trap? Anyone got one for sale?

  13. air pump on my fishtank just packed in,f**k they dont last that long do they.

  14. Best place in hampshire to get a fox trap? Anyone got one for sale?

  15. Yo your ''Step Dads blacker than street tarmaca'' !!

  16. Best place in hampshire to get a fox trap? Anyone got one for sale?

  17. tilfertilfer..........top man mel for digging that terrier out .....full credit to ya pal.....

  18. a guy asked me eny jokes fur me a said aye wut does a carpet smell like ae said adono so a decked um n said noo yi dae

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