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satan and todd

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satan and todd last won the day on January 19 2013

satan and todd had the most liked content!

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125 Excellent

About satan and todd

  • Rank
    Mega Hunter

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  • Interests
    lurcher and terrier work

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  1. twenty quid ooop north ....thats at vets for pets aswell when the deals on.... fook the black market at them prices
  2. dogs are usually powerfuller and sometimes though not all ways gamer and power gets certain jobs done as with other walks of life .....dogs for me even though ive had some good bitchesz
  3. blossom....awww bless ...happy birthday sweety pie ...ye old fooker
  4. top right bitch ad get some therapy though
  5. if its off the right stuff and the to the right person its at the right price......nuttall pups are this price so why shouldnt anyone elses be??
  6. might not get a fine though might get dog ban and jail.....theres always room for one more in there trust me....hopefully you wont get caught mate all the best
  7. thought it was a fooking lab. only kidding good luck feller you`ll fooking need it..
  8. after dig deep by darcy if youve got it........................could do with learning something about the terriers
  9. somethingabitfishy ive an idea who you are and you aint no brummy..........
  10. bet you was si`s bitch ginger fellers are all ways bitches in jail
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