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Everything posted by bigun

  1. Dont need to knock on doors mate got all my permissions this way you should try it for your self.
  2. Pest control wanted in the northwest England with airguns full insurance, ex farm worker knows the land crops e.g.
  3. Hw 95 every time , they are a bit twangy new but a bit of grease sorts that out very nice gun.
  4. Air bottle wanted 12 ltr maybe 7 considered , not to far from me so I can pick up ( 30 miles)
  5. why do you want the rat catcher, no didnt think so what harm is it doing you
  6. thanks toby63, this wet weather is doing my head in.
  7. iwant a rat catcher and would be intrested in swoping my lightnig for on if you are intrested
  8. hello all i am new to this site so go easy with me i live in the nortwest (england) and ejoy all types of hunting and rural activatys
  9. is the lamp still for sale where do u live
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