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Everything posted by BIG E

  1. How did you and Brian go today nancy?
  2. thats a dickenson dog red or max. good day out lads. some out fit that templeking lol feck that grass has grown over there wont be far off over here last 2 days been like spring thats right kc think hes monas half bro
  3. Just the pic he wouldn't stay still lol
  4. one of glisters pups from this mating
  5. just to end the good day i collected the new recruit for next season
  6. Had a very good day out myself and tommy c got an invite from templeking and paddy h to some of there permission we got plenty of good runs on some very good land to be honest not to many men would share it, loads of seeded fields big ears flying on it, templeking took one run with reggie dog give big ear 200 yard slip up a hill ,reggie took it no probs myself and tommy got about 3 good runs each dogs unlucky paddy h took along his pup for bitta craic but have to say a great day to the end of the season couple of pics we took
  7. I got Cindy at 6 weeks old from g Devine he told me annes dog was Irish terrier greyhound now I know were that head came from lol thanks for clearing that up artful il put a pic up of a dog from her first litter must have took to the bull side
  8. You think you had done an armed robbery lol
  9. She goes to the shows mate enters the races etc lol
  10. cindy off whippet x rosie (collie grey irish terrier) rosie off fat anns irish terrier x greyhound x t mcgak collie grey was artful bitch same line as fat anns ?
  11. After reading some of the bollix that's been posted on here I can't believe this is the way a man could be treated after traveling that distance to meet men for a days sport what happened to the good sportsmanship that was shown to men traveling from Ireland before the ban I seen plenty of videos shown men such as templeking paddy h sitting in the pub after a good day on the fens having a singsong and enjoying the company of there proper coursing men friends I wouldn't like to think John was treated as bad on the day of the match totally disgraceful.
  12. Same here tomo have to go on laptop to view it but this only seems to be recent clips put on here
  13. Captain doing his best to convert you Keith lol
  14. Brilliant mate she's doing well there's no bull in her full whippet x collie grey Irish terrier
  15. Dipping my dick into the the wrong bird lol
  16. Captain 1/3 speedie 5/1 next hare lol
  17. That's a lovely bitch captain your doing a great job with them dogs plenty of work and it's paid off FairPlay to ya atb
  18. Get yourself a whippet x collie grey mate ideal for ferreting
  19. Yes that's the way it works it's your Internet connection even if you 5 laptops going they be same ip
  20. You gotta be willing to travel in this game.
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