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Everything posted by BIG E

  1. not a great pic of shamrock but here she is im sure gorger will have a better one
  2. Put it on DVD captain and copy DVD on to your pc and then put it on u tube
  3. Nice one kc your dogs done we'll this season FairPlay mate
  4. Excellent pics mate would love to get paid to do that everyday your a lucky fella.
  5. Good result mate ground is getting hard
  6. we had some in the seat(form)yesterday but usually on ther toes this time of year How did you's get it on SGW you's get many runs yourselves
  7. Is that the dam to my first x in your avatar?
  8. there about 241/2 inches an fast for there age i,ll get a few better pic,s up later.Ar they off the same saluki as my pup
  9. bige did u get a whippet ,saluki. pupI have a first x saluki whippet 7 mths old and a 3/4 saluki pup 9 mths old and bill dog more than enough
  10. 3 more weeks get ready for the guiness f**k the guiness i hate that stuff lol you end up stuck to the shitter proper pint will do me il let you get the first round lol
  11. hard to get into them mate they dont sit about
  12. its the sister to the black and tan pup i got last week mate she ran well
  13. me battery packed in or id be still sitting here adding more lol
  14. excellant day lads must have seen aleast 30 hares very hard to get at them heres some of the land
  15. excellant day lads must have seen aleast 30 hares very hard to get at them heres some of the land
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