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Everything posted by smudgersmith

  1. I kept two hob brothers together for over 3 years, I had no problem what so ever until I used one to cover a jill which came into season long after the other jills had, my Hoblet was with a friend doing his business. After my hob was returned to his brother ( I kept the hob away from his brother for 2 further days, thinking the jills scent would still be on him. ) they did nothing but fight. The Hob that got his end away become more aggressive and dominant. In the end I had to seperate them which was a real shame as they worked really well together.
  2. Tried it only once, they left it. My old muker down the road has a simple rule, if he can't eat it, he want feed it to his ferts.
  3. For what it's worth, I agree totally. My history is ratting & rabbits with the occasional basil. Would like to discuss this topic with like minded, I feel out of the picture when it comes to earth dogs.
  4. smudgersmith


    If only they would teach it in schools.
  5. Rabbits! Want to catch rabbits get a gun or lurcher, all you idiots. show heads, bull shi**ers, rosette hunters make me sick, your punney useless so called terriers are sh*t, I ve seen ferrets stronger, get off the site and stop boaring the arse off ever one, this is for working terriers, work means fox control, yes we may rat terriers as opups or even as control, rabbiting does not even come in to the equation, heres a saying all you show heads can start useing at the shows, another saying you have picked up to add to your vocabularly of sayings when standing at a show ring !I dont work my te
  6. This coming weekend, all set to go.
  7. Keep hearing the same old bollocks about Borders, good for nothing, want do this, want do that. From experience they are as game as any terriers I know. I agree totally with Shell better to use the dog for ratting, rabbiting and fox than not use it at all and end up like the Yorkshire Terrier, a lap dog. You earthdog boys are fixated with putting down the BT. Again like Shell, don’t give a rat’s arse what anyone else thinks. RANT OVER !!!!!
  8. Gents, Sorry I'm after a bitch ( 4 legged variety ) Smudger
  9. Looking for a general pupose JR x or Pat X terrier puppy for ratting, rabbit and the occassional Fox. Live in the Hampshire area, good caring home given.
  10. Could never understand the ex, evil evil evil evil evil evil evil evil women. :tongue4: What is it exactly that reminds you, oh and remind me never to piss you off lol Did I mention she was an evil bitch. Apart from the ex being a scheming, devious money grabbing bint, who fleeced me for almost everything, you have the same hair style and colouring, size (everywhere !!! ) and dress sense. Even talking about the devil sporn I am reaching into my pockets checking my wallets still there if but empty.
  11. Could never understand the ex, evil evil evil evil evil evil evil evil women. :tongue4:
  12. Had the fecking shock of me life when I eye-balled your pic Kay, your a spitting image of the evil bitch ex who took me to the cleaners for de-flowering her better looking younger sister. ( who I'm still with I may add ) I'm sure however you are much nicer person. PS : yep, nice baps
  13. Sad to relate that my "mad" Jill is "toast". This evening I tried to handle her after giving her since saturday to calm down, she went mad !!!!!! . Totally flipped tried to bite me and was too aggressive to even clean out the rabbit hutch. It was quick a painless.
  14. Yes, I love em as much as I love the clap.
  15. Is that Welsh for bloody well done. !!!!
  16. Thanks, yep she could be the kit killer. Will give her a few weeks and see if she settles down, if not she's history. Off down the boozer for an ale or five.
  17. Not one to rub it in ( don't have too, the score-line does that) I want to thank all the taffy lads from Cardiff who I had the pleasure in having a considerable amount of ale with yesterday at Twickers, especially the big fat lump who frequents this site who's name escapes me. The lads were bitterly dissapointed but took the defeat in good heart, your a bloody credit to your country and bloody good company, however from memory that piss your call beer "Brains" is still undrinkable. To the big fat one, sorry but after god-knows how many pints your name is a blurr, thanks for making a g
  18. I seem to be having a real problem this season with my Ferrets, I suppose that over the proceeding years I have been very lucky with no major problems. Once again I have a new drama, yesterday I had to separate two of my 4-year-old jills, both are sisters and been together since they were born. They have worked side-by-side and lived together happily, however yesterday they had one almighty set-too resulting in one of my Jill’s being savaged and left traumatised I think that it was only the use of a garden hose to separate them that stopped her from being killed. I took out the inj
  19. Raw mostly, however if I know I cannot get back to remove what's left due to work demands I put in dry. More for practical reasons then anything else. I like to mix up the raw, rabbit, pigeon, and squirrel etc .
  20. Good looking dog mate, what you going to use him for. !!
  21. My JR is 10" at the shoulder and built like a brick-shit, don't do anything like road work just give him plenty of excerise and proper grub, goes on for ever and works his heart out. Each dog will find is or her fighting weight as long as they get plenty of the above.
  22. I think the Accupell mate. Does the job for me, accuracy and hitting power.
  23. My Border is a game little facker, he don't go to ground but will stand his ground and do what I ask of him, rats, fox and yes he's happy to mark a bury and take a rabbit, I don't think any less of him. Don't give a flying Feck what anyone else thinks of Borders, I like em.
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