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Everything posted by darkwood

  1. As mochastorm says this method takes a jill out of season but still gives her the experiance of motherhood.the result is strong healthy kits that are actualy wanted
  2. Ferret litters ihouse two jills together i put the one i want to breed from with the hob.then one week later put the one i dont want a litter from with the hob. Then keep the two jills together .when the second jill has its pups i cull them and any that i dont want from the first litter,and leave the two jills to rear the pups
  3. fly fishing the dales all weekend and a few whiskys

  4. are there any basket weavers out there;ive just aquired some good quality willow and would like to have a go at making a smallish creel for river fishing; any advise would be greatly appreciated
  5. anyone with any backbone to do anything about it just gets dragged into their dirty little games
  6. looking for about 50 quid mate, buyer to collect
  7. very old bsa underlever some bits missing ie the bit from the under lever to the spring it has no sights and the trigger guard is missing, it would make a good restoration project or useful for spares.offers or would consider swap for fly, or spinning rod or w.h.y;;
  8. my old uncle,smoked a pipe from his army days till he died at 92,he was deaf almost blind and the most cantancerous old bugger you could ever meet ,but he was a great character .he also supped half a bottle of whisky a day ,and everything in his house had a thick lair of nicotene
  9. peanut butter, pricey but deadly,they cannot resist it.
  10. Thanks guys some great ideas there, i got some sheep marker of a farmer today a small aerosol can, it works a treat ,might do my 15 grand kids with it aswell
  12. has anyone got any advice on marking ferrets for identifying them when out rabbiting.I have three identical jills bred this year,they are ready to start work soon i have marked them with food colouring with little sucsess. Anyone tried sheep dye. Much obliged DARKWOOD
  13. 2 jills 3hobs, i mainly use the hobs in large warrens or for digging to the jills rarely stay with a kill for very long
  14. Ive just started using locators my self; after many years of ferreting without one.I woundnt be without one now they make the day much more interesting and add a lot of rabbits to the bag that would have been wasted ,and of course stop you loosing ferrets
  15. One of my four jills is coming into season now
  16. I dont know much about box traps myself mate,but ive seen eleven taken from one. apparently theres well over a hundred traps at bolton ,and the guy who told me is as honest as the days long, things have certainly dried up on my spot at teesdale,rabbits are back in setts that they havnt used for months,and i can get about in the landrover without ploughing the fields
  17. yeah, the farmer said the keepers have done no rabbit control this winter until now.Could they be treating the rabbits as a crop rather than a pest
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