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dogmad riley

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Everything posted by dogmad riley

  1. Very true words them gnash he certainly has the heart. Khan is a brilliant boxer who got beat by a bigger fighter no shame in that. This nonsense about having a chin he has gone down but who would after them punches by big hitters
  2. Bad night for British boxing.
  3. They are bad news if not taken correctly. Test should always be taken with them as a lot of them wipe your test levels out so taking test with them floods the body with test. Once a cycle is completed a post cycle should begin to stabilize your hormones. It is a science taking correctly. I wouldn't touch them though I don't train hard enough or eat right also like my ale
  4. I wonder what Alvarez weighed on fight night he looks a lot bigger than khan in the ring?
  5. Take them properly and they are great. They are not a magical potion you still need to train hard if not harder than before. But only a small percentage do take them properly. Before you even start to think about taking them you should of been going to a gym and training religiously eating right etc. Get the best gains naturally you can get then start. Don't take them if you drink or take drugs what's the point. Steroids are for the advanced lifters not someone just starting out wainting to get massive quick
  6. Hope you right chusty. Khan to win distance Chisora 6th round
  7. Hopefully Khan does it but I think Alvarez will be too strong. Distance khan
  8. Never heard a Sonic Boom before but I guessed it was one. Correct me if I'm wrong but when a Jet breaks the sound barrier it produces a double boom. Apparently there was only 2 booms but 2 jets were scrambled, it doesn't work out???They probably got orders at the time to go super sonic so both went for it at the same time, probably why it was heard over such a large distance. Lucky b@stards That's what I'm saying, I'm sure a single jet produces two sonic booms when breaking the sound barrier. Two jets should have produced four, could be wrong though. Correction, a jet breaking the sound b
  9. The bull x is a great dog if you source one from the correct breeding. They are what they are dont be expecting a 5 out 5 day time hare dog because they aint they wee bred for teeth and teeth only. They not rabbit or hare dogs put it that way
  10. Never heard a Sonic Boom before but I guessed it was one. Correct me if I'm wrong but when a Jet breaks the sound barrier it produces a double boom. Apparently there was only 2 booms but 2 jets were scrambled, it doesn't work out???They probably got orders at the time to go super sonic so both went for it at the same time, probably why it was heard over such a large distance. Lucky b@stards That's what I'm saying, I'm sure a single jet produces two sonic booms when breaking the sound barrier. Two jets should have produced four, could be wrong though. Correction, a jet breaking the sound b
  11. Never heard a Sonic Boom before but I guessed it was one. Correct me if I'm wrong but when a Jet breaks the sound barrier it produces a double boom. Apparently there was only 2 booms but 2 jets were scrambled, it doesn't work out??? They probably got orders at the time to go super sonic so both went for it at the same time, probably why it was heard over such a large distance. Lucky b@stards
  12. Doubt it. Plenty of ferrets out there doing there job very well. The wild polecat is very skittish and there off spring is the same I had a 3/4 bred (apparently) and they were very skittish had to temt them out of there nest box every day. They not for me. A well bred ferret does every asked. And a fraction of the price
  13. Yes heard it last night in Doncaster. Knew straight away what it was coming from an RAF family Amazing bits of kit the typhoons love em
  14. Congratulations wishing you and all your family the very best. Take it from me he going to be a dog man. Best sport in the world. He will get into rifles but the dogs always follow and sticks. Once he hears the terrier baying and seeing the lurcher in full flight no air rifle beats that imo
  15. There's a 50 year old Glenfarclas on the whiskey exchange for £4500. And that's by no means the most expensive. I like my whiskeys and was once looking for the 65 year old Glen fidditch until I sore the price $37000 plus ??. Safe to say I won't be tasting that any time soon.
  16. Congratulations tb I wish you and all your family the very best. She is a little belter I have a boy and a girl and they are my world
  17. dogmad riley


    I understand them reasons but surely if the chip just had contact details of the owner and that's its. Do they have any more info?
  18. dogmad riley


    Why don't people get there dogs chipped? If mine wasn't chipped I wouldn't of got him back when he was stolen
  19. I don't think an average fighter beats the heavyweight champ who held the belts for 9 years. A world-class fighter does that. Fury is a brilliant fighter who's only down fall is and will be him
  20. Only seen one Hancock dog run it was brilliant on rabbit and hare but Fox it would just shadow them around the field it was definitely no Fox dog. Apparently it caught plenty I just never seen it catch a fox
  21. Subaru forester on lpg, very cheap to run 300 miles for £30. Good on road and great off road. I Would never have another vuaxhall vectra as long as I live, they break more than they run. Had a corsa b 1.7D Isuzu engine they do them in the astra vans and they are good
  22. The dog will be getting plenty of hill walking and swimming.
  23. Me and my lad tried the bottle one and had some success to my surprise, only stickle backs but big stickle backs we used dog biscuits as bait
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