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dogmad riley

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Everything posted by dogmad riley

  1. I'm with you, I work at height everyday on cranes some are crazy high but you won't get me on house roof on any ladder hate the things.
  2. I'm 4 or 5 seasons in with mine now and it only loses one bar after a full night's lamping. Will last 3 or 4 good outings before going dead. I always charge mine after a night's lamping so it stays topped up
  3. We share this planet we don't own it.
  4. Them cherokees and grand cherokees get everywhere, the one I had 2.5td was a brilliant off roader but its was just fault after fault so sold it Not had an off roader as good yet though. My pal had the 4.0l GC which was also good and more reliable just drank like an alcoholic
  5. get ready for them bucks they can be firey little buggers and can damage ya dog. Great sport though
  6. I had one like that loved chasing em but wouldn't pull would sometimes. No good to me so she hot rehomed If love to see a dog been called of a deer...
  7. Just get a deben 170 variable will last throughout your lamping career without having to upgrade
  8. I always thought the same but then got a collie bull grey and it has impressed me tbf will tackle anything that is put in front of her.
  9. Seen one run bred by morton and it was a good dog jack of all trades. Would take teeth and edibles regular Its a cross I would like to have if bred of the stuff
  10. Not go wrong with sthil or husqavana
  11. All i use is milwaukee gear. Mainly because work buy them all for me as they are pricey but worth every penny I work in a heavy steel environment and last for years with no probs. We had dewalt and they didn't last any where near as long before the died. Battery's didn't last as long as milwaukee. Also a added bonus with milwaukee is they now have built in GPS trackers so if they go missing you can find them
  12. Don't judge a book by its cover lol ?
  13. You did a lot better than us went for a spin local never seen it so dead. Didn't see a Charlie all night odd rabbit that was it. Roll on when all fields down then can start traveling out again
  14. Yeah seen some good ones but also seen some crap bred the same. I have just got a collie bull grey and am very impressed upto now nothing bothers heroines 100% on everything
  15. View Advert Bull greyhound works lamp Excellent recall, retrieves good with other dogs Only ever been worked on lamp Won't pull anything that bites back but will doubled Had plenty of deer rabbits hare 2 years old. Pm for more details Advertiser dogmad riley Date 08/08/20 Price £100.00 Category Working Lurchers  
  16. Best fox dog I ever seen was a full greyhound bitch Straight if the track. Took some time socialising but came good. She would take them with ease and never came off any. unfortunatly she was stolen before a litter could be taken. Useless on deer but fox she was unreal
  17. Only thing the thieving b@stards won’t take is a pair of work boots
  18. Nothing wrong with blacks have a few as friends. good and bad in all walks of life. but I do think BLM is racial movement and needs to be stop ASAP
  19. Some real nice dogs there built for job hats off to you for sticking by him and am sure he will reward you back. best of luck you deserve it
  20. It don’t take much of a dog to kill a fox but it does to do it consistently Iv been searching for for a couple of years for a consistent fox killer With no joy the one I did have died prematurely. I was gutted he would tackle a lion I see where you are coming from with the bull grey some do lack the gears for faster quarry
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