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Everything posted by LaraCroft

  1. I think I saw it was £24 for each weekend day, more for today.
  2. Treated the dogs to a little paddling pool. Unfortunately none of them have the courage to ask the chickens to get out of it yet.

    1. low plains drifter
    2. paulus


      pinkella kept us occupied....lol


    3. R.A.W


      paulus there's a new sheriff in town now lol. i've gotta walk mine in with the lead the whimps lol

  3. Total class - never knew you lot had such talents at story-time - meant to be unpacking from a couple of weeks holiday, and I am reading this instead, crying with laughter
  4. Hope your back improves - a really debilitating thing back pain - hope you are on some decent painkillers and anti-inflammatories. Your input here would be very much missed, you are one of the most knowledgeable people on here, don't go - you would be greatly missed if you did
  5. LaraCroft

    Barf Vs Complete

    Agree totally that some completes are really great - I had one of mine ( a while ago ) on Nutro and it was amazing - great coat and energy, low output, no nasty smells, no itching etc - then they hiked the price up and I had taken on my brothers 3 old lurchers, so I really couldn't afford it, but it was really good. If I remember right, the main ingredient was chicken, rather than grain, so I guess it was better quality than some of the grain based feeds.
  6. LaraCroft

    Barf Vs Complete

    I think the "Raw" element has become the focus, rather than it being biologically appropriate - yes, raw meat is a constituent, but veg, bones, and other appropriate elements need to be in there too. A point I saw raised on another forum was that in the wild, when prey was caught, it was eaten - so repeated fast runs were not the "norm" but the exception, when an initial hunt had failed. In modern working dogs, the prey isn't eaten, and runs/hunts are repeated time and time again - something that necessitates carbohydrate in the diet for prolonged energy release. There is a big difference
  7. If the dew claw is in contact with the ground while running, then damaging the dew claw itself is probably the least of the dogs foot problems. If they aren't off as pups, and they are a proper joint with claw ( some seem larger than others ) then I have them taken off if the dog needs any other sort of surgery. I won't remove them from an adult just on their own, but I do tape them up when I know the dog is going to be running. Other than that, I keep them short and rounded off.
  8. Why ???????????????????????????? I don't know - was in SO February time, I remember wondering about it, but after the trouble there with a demo for a killed soldier, I assumed the town council had bottled it and opted for the "easy" option
  9. Thankfully very quiet where we are, Lara, but so much green space everywhere you go.( We're not very far from the concrete cows BTW.) I gathered ! I bring my horses down to Brickhills to meet up with a friend for some woodland riding - closest I get these days to the New City !
  10. I heard the owner was the teacher who had brought the dog in the first place. Terrible for all involved. Hope the child recovers quickly.
  11. Used to see a lot of them around there when I lived/worked there a few years ago - lovely place to walk. Real mix of city problems and deserted open fields/woodland. Got to love being able to drive past water-skiers, a snow dome, concrete cows, and then see deer in open fields !
  12. It was cancelled by the organisers 4 months ago - why on earth have they suddenly noticed now ?
  13. Pups look lovely, and the bitch is in great condition. I've known them take their time from first pup to last. Hope she ( and pups ) continue to do well.
  14. Could be any number of things - hair follicles, glands, fatty lumps, hernia's etc. In general, if you can get your fingers behind it ( between skin and body ) then it is in the skin, and not usually much to worry about. If it's a pup, get the vet to have a look at it when the jabs are done. If older than that, then would depend on how long it has been there, if it seems painful, being chewed at or licked, getting larger, affecting the skin ( red ) or hair (standing up ) as to whether I would do anything with it.
  15. Great pics and a great image of you being towed up the path .... wearing a loin cloth and sandals proper " Ben Hur " style
  16. Have you tried Show-home warehouse type places ? The stuff is not new, but has only been in show homes, so is a lot cheaper than new, and may be more reliable than ebay or gumtree etc. Their stuff ( all sorts, sofas, beds, tables, suites, shelves and so on ) changes regularly as they get new bits in, and although a lot is tat, there are some good bargains to have.
  17. If you can't understand the basic physiology behind testing for ligament damage, then crack on with your " letting blood out of the nail for pressure release" I am not approving anything that I don't feel is sound advice, or following anyones lead when I think it is rubbish - its a forum, it is discussion - that is all.
  18. The tests are for normal movement, normal responses and reflexes - that show if the ligaments are intact or not, depending on how the various joints move. All I am saying is that swelling means there is an injury, but there needs to be more tests/investigations before you can say what the injury is, and therefore the treatment. If it is bruising, rest will be fine, and work carried on as normal. Ligaments take a lot longer to heal because of their poor blood supply, and if worked again too soon are weak and liable to injure again. I have not mentioned your dogs at all.
  19. LOL he made me laugh, although to be fair, I couldn't understand half of what he was on about !
  20. Sad news for you. RIP.
  21. wow ! Brilliant pics, that 4th photo down is amazing I was working last night, so kept popping in and out of the hospital to see if I could see the massive moon, but it was too cloudy, and then there were a few stabbings in Wolverhampton that kept us too busy to see if the cloud cleared !
  22. There are many tests that can be done to show a bone injury, as different from ligament damage and just bruising - none of which involve x-rays. The way the bones sit, the way they move etc will show ( given the knowledge to look, nothing to do with deformity or popping in and out.. ) whether there is damage to ligaments ( sorted with rest ) or bone ( may need more vet input ) or whether it is just bruising and will need rest. Bruising doesn't respond that well to anti-inflammatory drugs like rimadyl, although it can help with pain. If ligaments are damaged, and the dog is brought back in
  23. Nice to hear that she is out and working after her toe problem
  24. Thats a shame. I hope the pups find good homes, and the bitch improves in condition. This is a great place for information - no one said the pups were not looking good, just that the young bitch looked very poor. Decent diet during pregnancy, and while she is feeding the pups will have stopped that and given the pups a really good start in life. They are lovely looking, as are the bitch and sire, even given their young age. A diet of protein rich meat rather than tripe/biscuit will help, and making sure the pups have good quality minced meat to eat, as well as some milky based food. Good luck
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