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Everything posted by LaraCroft

  1. Yep, we had that too We also had barefoot horses, and still do. None of that farrier trim stuff - if the feet got too long they did more roadwork -known as a Council Trim!
  2. I'm loving terryd dog pics ! Dip does the same, sighs, lays down and waits for the work to be done. He is easily pacified by a carrot though - I suspect that 50% of the grown carrots are eaten by the dog, rather than me. Currently battling buttercups in the fields - the horse won't eat them. and they spread very quickly. A mix of spraying, cutting and plastic bag covering sections to kill them off is proving effective but very time consuming.
  3. "Going steady" with a bloke - which usually meant he tried harder to hide the fact that he was seeing other people !
  4. If its just the gunk in the corner of the eyes in the morning and the dog is fine in herself, and not rubbing the eyes and looking uncomfortable, I'd be washing them several times a day in cool boiled water and as long as she stayed fine and the eyes were not bothering her, then give it a few days of regular washing to see if it will clear. If not, back to the vet for a check. The gunk is infectious, so if it builds up over night, and you aren't cleaning it regularly, then if she is rubbing it on her paws, then rubbing her eyes again, she will re-infect herself. Pollen tends to make them
  5. Sorry to hear that Jok ( the loss of chickens, not the sorting out ) It is soul destroying seeing so many go. Wishing you all the luck with new birds.
  6. You aren't breeding to make money. You wouldn't have bred at all if you couldn't have kept all the pups yourself if ( in the unlikely situation ! ) they didn't get homes. You may be looking to cover costs - a very reasonable thing. However, something tells me the prospective homes are going to be far more important than the notes waved to try to get a pup from you !
  7. Looking great Terry - and whatdog and vfr are looking far more organised than me - very nice. I think the slugs are loosing the battle in the PT - I take a metal BBQ skewer in last thing at night, fill it up, and hang it up on the bird table for the birds in the morning. The diesel around the edges is stopping new ones getting in, and the removal each night is reducing numbers. Cider traps inside ( the chickens love drunk slugs...) and removal morning and evening seems to be getting on top of the issue. Chard and spinach are coming along well, with various herbs. The cucumbers are recover
  8. That must be the answer then - how lucky that kids only ever have to have 1 injection, and not need 2 or 3 in their first year - that would be painful !
  9. Looks like it TC - have got 3 ok for eating, and ditched 2, and there are another 7 on the stalks, so have treated and will see what happens. Repeated the diesel this evening, and had one of the hens in the tunnel for a few hours for bug removing. My lovely neighbour is helping (just as well, I know nothing ) so hopefully between us we can get some nice stuff. He no longer wants to work his own ground, but loves to potter around in the polytunnel and is full of invaluable help, ideas and tips. The chard looks lovely already, as does the garlic and onions. He gets 2 dozen eggs a week, and doesn
  10. LaraCroft


    No ideas at all, but where ever you go, have a fabulous time !
  11. How awful - what a horrific experience for you all. I wish you well, and hope the trial provides the outcome needed, and that you can then move on and remember her in the right way.
  12. Greens, chard, onions and garlic all doing well, as are the toms. Something is having a go at my cucumbers though, although I am not sure what - first time I have grown them, and they seemed to do really well until the last 2 days, when I noticed the cucumbers had some little brown lines on them. Not seen any bugs/slugs, but I assume I am missing something.
  13. Jok forgot to tell you it only works with red diesel It was, but I freely admit that it was more luck ( and availability ) than judgement on my part. Slug numbers are greatly reduced. I might have to syphon another gallon pay for red diesel from my neighbours tractor again.
  14. LaraCroft

    Great Week

    Sounds perfect - good on you for doing so, and good luck for the future.
  15. Jok - thank you - have done the wiping. I now smell like my truck - good luck the people I have to treat in A/E at work tonight ! Maybe it will work for them as well as slugs, and I will have a quiet one. Fingers crossed !
  16. Animals need 2 jabs a few weeks apart to boost the immune system - if you only get one, they are unlikely to then be immune. If you do them twice within a few weeks, then do a couple of annual boosters, then the chances are the animal is immune for life afterwards. A single jab is no guarantee of the dog being immune.
  17. Lovely afternoon with the dog - he is in such fantastic condition, he looks amazing.
  18. Your daughter is growing tall - great pics, lovely to see nice dogs and a family. Proper proud
  19. No legs, and running 23 seconds for 200 metres - something the vast majority of people couldn't do. Amazing.
  20. Compared to dealing with a full on wash and change because both 1 and 2 happened, then a mere smell of pee is desirable. I am not suggesting you spray it on - that would be a bit odd ( even given the topics on here ! ) but in general, if you get to that point, go for the pee - anything else suggests you stay in the home. Good luck
  21. she got plenty going on upstairs its hard to keep them occupied all the time. It is indeed - I am lucky, mine is thick as pig shit, so I can ask him to find something, and he lays down for 8 hours to ponder this unfathomable question...
  22. Isn't it one of those smells you can buy - like New Car Smell ? No one likes it, but everyone seems to think it is desirable ?
  23. They are certainly bad this year FODR - never seen them in such numbers before
  24. Can you do some fun stuff with her - not circus tricks, but things she can learn to help her keep the bond with you, and use her brain ? I find dogs need to either run a lot, or use their brain a lot ( preferably both, but usually more one than other ) so if she can't move her feet as much due to injury etc, then keeping the brain occupied keeps them sane, and bonded. Finding things in the house, learning to sit, lay down, put head down, give paw etc can all help give her a *job* while she is waiting to work again, and stops you feeling like you do nothing but say no to her.
  25. jok - please excuse the ignorance, most ( ok, well 95% ! ) of this is new to me, is the diesel wiped outside the tunnel, or inside, or both ? I go around the tunnel at last thing ( about 10pm when I take the dog out ) to check for bugs and slugs, and collect them in a pot for the chickens, and do the same first thing, about 0500. I have tried to keep a bare patch of earth on the 4 sides of the tunnel, I can treat that area with whatever is likely to help - it is already gravel but they seem to have 4x4 capability and zoom straight over it
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