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LaraCroft last won the day on March 14 2013

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863 Excellent

About LaraCroft

  • Rank
    Extreme Hunter
  • Birthday 09/07/1978

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  • Gender
  • Location
    South Wales
  • Interests
    Horses and lurchers

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  1. Whatever you think of what is right or wrong, or dog laws versus cat laws, you will either end up being person A or person B. And yes, it sucks. But the law is at it is. Person A It was horrific, my cat got chased and caught by a dog, and killed, but the dogs owner was so apologetic, and it was an accident - the cat ran right in front of the dog and the rest is nature. He took the cat to the vet, but it sadly died. He paid the bill, came to check we were all ok, was very sorry, told us his dog would be under more careful control in future, and offered to help us find a new cat if we want
  2. Good god Gaz - you need to get those flabby unconditioned potlickers out a bit more !
  3. the greenery is doing good with having the leaves taken for eating, while then growing more. The herbs the same - although some are needing to be be cut and then chopped and frozen, as there is too much to eat at once. New spuds are about done, main ones are doing ok. Onions are ok, but the carrots are not looking great - not sure why yet. Back to the books.
  4. I joined in with the fish and spuds - nice bit of salmon from the local market, spuds and greens home grown ( lettuce, spinach, rocket and chard)
  5. Fingers crossed. Was the first proper concert I went to, many years ago, at the Cornwall Colosseum ! it was fantastic. I wish him a speedy recovery
  6. Nexguard can be tablet version - that may be better. The same drug is in Bravecto - no real difference in use. Both are fine for collie based breeds. Depends on the issue - you could use a generic wormer for the intestinal stuff, and a vit B tablet /supplement and garlic supplement for the tick side
  7. My new raspberry plants got eaten ! Blasted geese got out, and within the 10 mins it took me to get out there ( I was working nights, so dozing and not dressed in goose herding clothes ) they had trashed some herbs, and the raspberries, and a few shrubs, that I am sure are not good for them. Right now, roast goose is on the menu.
  8. My brothers partner does - has done CBT for many (15 ) years but is also qualified in counselling in general, but finds that the CBT is more effective for most people. If your partner would like to speak to someone ( or email ) then she is happy to answer questions and give advice.
  9. In which case, an injectable version or tablets may be easier - not worth a massive fight if the dog isn't going to allow/accept/like it - its a case of pick your battles ! If you are unlikely to win, pick one you can win ! My chap spends half his life upside down on the dog bed, so pouring the stuff on bald belly is easy, but I have had others that need a muzzle and a jab in the neck.
  10. I do see what you mean - the drops are an oil based liquid, so they do stick to the skin better than water, so if you can persuade the dog to lie on her ( or his ! ) back and have the liquid put on, while laying down, and then keep the dog laying down for a few minutes, it will be fine, the oily liquid will stay put and not run off. I use a similar thing for the horses - clip a bit of fluff and pour it on, works ok.
  11. jok you are awesome - did an outer sweep with jeyes, and not seen a slug inside the tunnel for 2 days ! Not sure I can comment on anty peas though
  12. I haven't used them myself, but had a fair few animals in for vomiting after being given them - worrying for owner, and renders the medication useless. When they work, they seem to be fine for fleas but not much good for anything else. There are better things available with more efficiency and better tolerated, so they don't seem a great choice. Could you spot shave a patch on the dogs back, between shoulder blades, or on belly where fur is less, and out the spot on there ? Just a suggestion - not all dogs will like/put up with that
  13. slugs will do that ! Despite diesel ( both colours ! ), gravel, pellets, sticky tape, hair, honey traps, beer traps, chickens, night time picking and a dozen other repellents, they still attack the PT in wave after wave of unrelenting slug-ness to eat the seedlings, leaves and fruit. I am thinking about a dry, gravel filled, diesel soaked, moat around the PT and the veg plot.
  14. From 12 I was working at the local riding stables on saturday and sunday - mucking out 10 stables, tacking up etc, bringing in and out of fields, and walking alongside the younger learners. In return I got a free 1/2 hour lesson on the first saturday of the month ! From 14 I was helping with the morning milking for the neighbours farm 5 days a week before school, and in return I kept my mare in their field. Alongside 30 bullocks. Trying to get her in and out was a steep learning curve in animal handling ! At 15, I was using the school computers to design those folded A4 pub menus, that are
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