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Everything posted by stinkers

  1. Right, did 2 rows with single knots and reverted back to double knotting. Gonna stick with doubles for the sake of a couple of minutes per net and minimum amount of twine used, rather me nets last than risk a slip. Cheers folks.
  2. Dirty f*****g scummers......just mind ya self knocking on the doors bud never know what ya going to meet !!!
  3. Cheers lads.....gonna try one single knotting just to see how it goes. Im happy with the double knotting just want to see the difference.
  4. Ok ive been making my own purse nets but ive been double knotting them ....if i do a single knot on them do i just bring the needle behind the two and pull tight for single knotting .....if you know what i mean and wil they be secure as the double knot on spun poly? Cheers.
  5. Cheers chris ....yeah its good to have an outing that tests ya. And im only human so make mistakes, agh well its getting me out and that was certainly a full day out.
  6. Dont think the women go for mm's there into inches ...so wouldnt really make a difference :laugh:
  7. It takes 7 seconds for food to pass from mouth to stomach. A human hair can hold 3 kg. The length of the penis is three times the length of the thumb. The femur is hard as concrete. a woman's heart beats faster than the man. Women blink twice as much as men. We use 300 muscles just to hold our balance when we stand. The woman has read this entire text. The man is still looking at his thumb.
  8. I used to volunteer at an animal rescue place and they were all animal lovers. I am too but i hunt. Now when i started there it was great then i started doing rescues for them ....mainly dogs. When someone from the centre saw my FB page with pictures of my hunting trips all hell broke loose. I was called all sorts and trying to explain the difference between hunting and animal cruelty is near on impossible. I stopped voluteering for them. Ive hunted for the last 20 odd years and not goig to stop. I humanley dispatch my quarry and dont cause suffering. But some people have blinkers on .....
  9. And they'll keep taking and changing things the more they get away with it...........try doing it in there country and see what happens to you.....you wouldnt last 5 minutes, put in prison stoned and then deported. A messed up laughable situation when foreigner tell you how to act and behave in your own country.
  10. Seriously fecked up. But they have closed down lapdancing bars, pubs and all sorts in "muslim" areas in the past .........totally wrong, if you live in another country you live by there way of life you do not try and change it to your own country, if you dont like it go home!!!
  11. A man walks into a drug store with his 10-year old son. They happen to walk by the condom display, and the boy asks, "What are these, Dad? To which the man matter-of-factly replies, "Those are called Condoms son. Men use them to have safe sex." "Oh I see," replied the boy pensively. Yes, I've heard of that in health class at school." He looks over the display and picks up a package of 3 and asks, "Why are there 3 in this package?" The dad replies, "Those are for high school boys, one for Friday, one for Saturday, and one for Sunday.." "Cool" says the boy. He notices a 6 pack an
  12. Agouti..... his spun is doing great job for my nets. And he replies to any queries very promptly too
  13. I used to keep 2 hobs indoors and they were both working. Both had been snipped so the smell was hardly noticeable. Nohing wrong with keeping them indoors as long as regulary kept clean. Mine used to run arund the downstairs of the house when i was home. Just keep an eye on them cause there thieving little fuckers.... keys and everything would get hidden in some unusual places...very frustrating when your late for work lol. But no harm in having them indoors...i bring mine indoors here for a couple of hours when the missus aint about.
  14. Cheers bud....they are me own nets lol.......got the hang of them now got it down to about 45minutes per net.......so gonna run out of poly soon loll
  15. Agouti too, no problem with shipping over the pond and replies to emails very promptly, unlike a few of other suppliers that obviously dont want business!!!!
  16. Keys...mini jacknife lockpicking set, and mini maglite.
  17. Nice job....great going out light....but going back doesnt look like its going to be a light haul lol.
  18. What you do....just smother the inside of the skin with salt and leave them or do you have to hang them or what? Wouldnt mind giving it a bash.
  19. Canary Yellow from Agouti...cant really miss them can you
  20. All set to go this morning, went off to my new permo with high expectations of a good bag.. Met the farmer he told me which fences were on so as not to get a jolt. This permo is a lot of hedgrows and ditches so was looking for a few sets that i could net up with just purse nets......no point trying a mahoosive hegderow with one stinker and just purse nets. Found a nice little 3 holer on a bank going down to the river looked failry well used so netted them up. Sent the stinker down and he popped up again then disappeared again. Nothing .....oh well onto the next one. Found a single holer fa
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