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Everything posted by Astanley

  1. Falch I fod yn Gymraeg !
  2. Since I turned welsh I find I can understand that now .iechyd da boyo. And you mun.
  3. Since I turned welsh I find I can understand that now .
  4. Max ,the thing is your argument is on a public forum ,people can't help reading it and forming an opinion so its a bit unfair to describe those who don't agree with you as "joeys and ass lickers " Personally if I got into a heated argument on here ,then anything I say to someone I am prepared to say it to their face ,whatever the consequences may be ,I would find looking myself in the mirror difficult otherwise .
  5. YES get in ...just found out my mother in laws (rip you witch ) maiden name was Jones Yakki fukin da ...come on Wales ,we can do it !
  6. I can see the welsh hills from my back garden so f**k it ,I am Welsh .. Come on Wales
  7. Thank you ,I don't know about classic ,but it has been compared to some of Dylan Thomas,s work in style .it probably o ly took me a fortnight and that's including rough drafts .
  8. Brilliant Wales ,great performance .
  9. Your spelling and grammar as improved all of a sudden? LOL Not really ,the word ,both ,was unnecessary in the sentence he wrote .
  10. I stay in at night Cos my dog is shiiite . The end
  11. Non of the England players draw a wage ,it all goes to a charity ,Gary Neville organised it when he was playing for them , If you give them a good strong manager ,a settled system they all know and trust ,play them in their best positions ,I believe they would be in the top six teams of world football . This is only my own very humble opinion ,and by no means a fact .
  12. Is there different types of breaks or are some ribs worse to break ? I had a couple of broken ribs and it was painful for a couple of weeks but nothing like what has been mentioned on here ,and before anyone accuses me of being all Socks about it ,I'm not the least macho and I have a very low pain threshold .
  13. My reason for sipping Pimms from a balcony and watching football,instead of running round the streets like kids.......is that we went over there to sip Pimms from our balcony and watch football......we ran around the streets like kids......when we were kids......i got football hooliganism out of my system years ago as you could of done if you had been up for it. You see Max i dont look for trouble and antagonise people i have absolutely no intentions of facing up to.......now tell me,whats your reason for antagonising people you have no intentions of facing up to..... going to such lengths
  14. Thanks all ,but some presents would be nice to go with the good wishes x
  15. Spot on Tomo. I've stopped replying to Max a bit ago, realised he's on the wind up. He's got to be.[/qu Is he on the wind up ,talking complete and utter ,non stop nonsense on purpose to drive everyone mad . .or is he a bona fide ,genuine ,hairy arsed loving ,outside the box thinking fukin genius?? You decide .
  16. Put a hairy arsed pitman with his hob nail boots on in there ,then we,d see how good them bulls are .....genuine quote from Earnest Hemingway ,Death in the afternoon
  17. You know you want to laugh and enjoy a good gloat ,so stop fukin about and get to it ,no one will blame you . I've done nothing but pmsl......don't you worry about that bud... Someone should check on Baw ,I reckon both sides will be split laughing by now
  18. You know you want to laugh and enjoy a good gloat ,so stop fukin about and get to it ,no one will blame you .
  19. I don't think its a question of just haters mate ,his style of boxing splits opinion ,his way of going about things in general splits opinion . I personally think he's a very limited boxer ,and some of his antics are a bit immature ,but I don't hate him ,and in the unlikely event of me meeting him ,if he asked my opinion then that's the answer he would get .
  20. England need their new manager to recognise the national characteristics and strengths and play a settled ,recognised style and system ,a high tempo ,pressing game ,you don't have to sacrifice skill and technique to achieve this ,a system were every player knows exactly what his role is ,a system that is so deeply embedded in their psyche that it becomes second nature ,they can all play it naturally when under pressure they don't have to think about anything else . He must be strong enough to resist the clamour to include inform players and flavour of the month players ,if they don't suit th
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