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Everything posted by Astanley

  1. Once the rat who downloaded the footage made it accessible ,there wasn't much option but to go through the courts ,justice has to be seen to be done and all that ,hopefully the man is looked after when he comes home ,to condemn him just to prove you can go against the flow and show how good you are debating moot points is shameful and must make ex service men question whether it was all worth it .
  2. If the American president died those clubs owned by Americans would probably do something similar and I doubt anyone would even comment on it ,we've just got to accept the premier league is attracting investment globally .
  3. Never seen it ,but I bump into them filming it all the time local .
  4. Astanley

    Fao Malt

    All the best Mal x
  5. My old trainer used to call all that macho ,warrior ,kill me to beat me chat "whistling in the dark ", it took me a while to understand he was exactly right .
  6. DB has got all her records
  7. I recognize those Crocs and Nicks crusty feet .
  8. Youv just described every Scotsman I have ever met .
  9. What a bunch of idiots ,who deserve a slapping . If they really wanted to scare people they would wear a Tomo mask .
  10. That's a fearsome scowl your sporting Tomo ,has Whin just joined you for a day on the big land or something ?
  11. The first time I saw him was against Argullo ,I couldn't believe the pace he kept up throughout the fight ,started a heated discussion about PEDs in the pub .
  12. I don't want to stick up for Krusty ,so I won't .
  13. Someone is surely messing with Krustys posts ,I can't believe anyone can talk that much crap.
  14. Clinical depression is a terrible thing ,those that suffer it tend to alienate everyone around them ,in Fury's case this is the press and general public ,his antics over the past couple of years ? well you don't have to be a phycotherapist to have seen this coming ,to those that have been around someone with the illness it was as predictable as Sunderland being shiiite
  15. I am begining to worry for this lads mental well being ,its always been obvious that he's a bit of a simpleton ,that he needed mentoring through the hardships of competing in a tough sport while being in the public eye ,his family and friends have let him down ,his supporters haven't done him any favours by refusing to countenance any criticism of his behaviour and I can only see a sad ending to this story .
  16. That's a smashing photo mate ,and one good looking young lad youv got ,looks a happy chappy too .
  17. Astanley


    Can we do a straight swap Celtic for Sunderland fukin AFC .
  18. Astanley


    Obviously I have never been to borstal ,but my mates who have say the film was uncannily accurate .
  19. I used to take a couple of top branchers out a few years ago ,but they never liked the cold weather .
  20. Catchy tune ,I'll be humming it all day now
  21. Astanley

    Big Sam

    If you take the accusations one by one ,it doesn't look that bad He was offered big bucks to do a few speeches... He said he would have to run it by the FA ..no problem He made disparaging remarks about Hodgson and Neville ...big deal ,it was a private conversation He pointed out loophole and ways round the third party ownership rule ...erm BUT ,he's the manager of England ,the public face of the FA ,our ambassador to the world of football ,its a position of great trust and responsibility ,its not only about getting results ,as the man in the chair he is expected to co duct himself
  22. Astanley


    Wow ,great performance by Celtic ,and there are few grounds in the world that can match that atmosphere .
  23. If Jurgen the German says no ,your in .
  24. My source at the FA also tells me ,if I send my CV in I m in with a shout .
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