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Everything posted by Astanley

  1. I'm beginning to worry about your sense of humour lately youngster .
  2. Did I read that correctly ? There are actual members of the working class on this forum ? Eeeeuuuuugggghhhh .
  3. Remy Martins ,! now that's a proper drink ,second only to a pint of Guiness supped by an open fire .
  4. Astanley

    Toon Win

    Yep ,nice to see ,I saw Everton Fans had a banner at their match supporting the little soldier too .
  5. The funny thing is since the other fella stopped going on about them ,I'm sort of rooting for them .
  6. Socks ,if crowded shops bother you do what I do ,..stand in the doorway and shout as loud as you can " Allah Akbar " then stand to one side as shop empties ..job done
  7. I never heard a peep in the media about the Rotherham grooming case ,until they covered the BNP demonstrating outside Liverpool crown court ,about the lack of media attention .
  8. Wilf. ,they will put up with child abusers ,despots ,tyrants ,war criminals and traitors as lo ng as they stay on message .
  9. Austin A 40 ,if I had any one in it when going up those little ramps in between floors in multi storey car parks ,they had to get out and walk or it wouldn't make it up .Vauxhall Cresta automatic I had was high on indestructible .
  10. Your safe as houses mate ,even the horniest bent samurai would think twice after seeing one of your scowls
  11. if this was aimed at me I'll answer like I already have said lol that my initial gut reaction was yes I could push the button. although I've got to say after a couple of days Of thinking about it and listening to others views , I have been questioning that decision . Also I'm not trying to justify it I'm asking a simple question for debate on a forum . Wasn't aimed at anyone in particular old chap .
  12. If you would press the button then you should at least have the bollocks to say so without trying to justify it with , but its just like or its the same as , at least stand by your decision
  13. Surely cushty must win it ,his constant support for talentless ,slightly retarded heavyweights ( as long as they at travellers ) his campaign to legalise alfresco shitting ,his one man crusade to prove you can win an argument by insulting some one into submission ,proving that logic and reasoning have no place on the internet all deserve recognition What a man ! Take a bow Krusty .
  14. Nothing against shows or nice looking dogs ,but surely breeding away from the form that made the breed fit to perform it's original job is disingenuous at the least and once unhealthy exaggerations are bred for just plain cruel .
  15. Never been a money chaser myself ,but if I was that greedy for a £ million ,I would put the balaclava back on and go and get it rather than wait for it to fall into my lap at some poor fuckers death .
  16. Astanley


    No academy's yet ,he's holding out for Everton to spot him I think lol , Fc Bayern is one of the teams he plays for ,dunno were the name comes from .
  17. Astanley


    What a thoughtful thing to post on a topic about my grandson ,thank you for that .
  18. Astanley


    Mad about Everton ,
  19. It would also be sad if people stopped going into coaching kids teams for fear of being lumped in with scoutmasters etc .
  20. Astanley


    In the interest of fairness ,,some gingers are handsome ,talented and love their grandads .
  21. Some of you chaps put far too much importance on money ,its a waste of time having any morals or principles if you would abandon them for something as unimportant as money .
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