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Everything posted by Astanley

  1. Interesting ...it was a bit of a joke ,but the airgun chappies stood their ground with no name calling ,no death threats ,no off line challenges ,just common sense and a bit of humour ,well done ,give yourself a pat on your odd little backs .
  2. Just had my first look around this section ,some interesting shit ,fair play .
  3. I'm still a bit shaken from finding out Lord Wetfart isn't one of them ,now I think I just seen a bush move in the back garden ,I'm beginning to regret posting
  4. WHAT ! Your not an airgunner ?...how come you talk so much drivel then ?
  5. Good to hear there's some normal chaps in the game then ,kanny would be considered ,borderline normal ,but still good news .
  6. Are they all pompous, arrogant ,condescending ,shite talking f***ing half wits ? or are some of them relatively normal ? and if so ,why don't the normal ones ever post on here ?
  7. My name carries a lot of sway with old Mrs Harris as well .
  8. Weddings and funerals round our way are always catered be old Mrs Harris ,vol au fonts and sausage rolls are spot on and if you don't mind the odd grey pube ,her ham butties take some beating ,really cheap too .do you want her number ?
  9. I enjoyed that ,Thanks for posting it ,the second goal was unbelievable !
  10. Tbh ,I can't see anyone on here being interested its not a subject that arouses much passion .
  11. Edited to add ....I would happily punch both Axum's for a week each .
  12. Diane Abbott is an irrelavence ,,Axum on the other hand is a proper shoite in the bucket who I could happily punch for a week .
  13. Astanley

    Syria !

    Trump has just launched an air strike against a Syrian airbase ,saying "kop for that ye chemical faced camel humpers " Putin has said "ah come on now ,no need for that ,shake hands " Interesting g times ahead .
  14. The!l him its not me Jo
  15. f**k NO ...its just you mate .
  16. I have got a new respect for aborigines .
  17. You really are a twat .
  18. Is the dog man banned ?
  19. The boat race ,the national ,the cup final ,my bath ,all signs that spring is here ,I love tradition .
  20. What they don't show is the beginning of the vid where the jock says "OK let me be dog man this time "
  21. Even though it was a rhetorical question ,you still should of punctuated it with a question mark rather than an exclamation mark .
  22. So your saying Dog man 85 looks like an Aboriginal and you want to fight him ,there's no need for that Axum .
  23. Its reading threads like this when I really miss Baw
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