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Everything posted by Astanley

  1. ??run ,you lying twat ,???
  2. Sorry mate ,what I was saying was they knew the difference ,no pulling when wearing a collar ,all pulling when a harness went on .
  3. I freed the who!!! Abraham Lincoln waking up after a two day bender
  4. Oh fuk ,and here's me thinking I'm a top dog trainer .
  5. Aargh don't snitch on him while big P is on his monthly .
  6. I've had two sbt that knew the difference when I put a collar or harness on ,they were well behaved and could walk to heel without a leash when I put the collar on ,and got excited and went in to non stop pulling when I put the harness on .
  7. Astanley


    The one child policy ...girls were aborted by the million ...you need a breadwinner if you can only have one child .
  8. Have you had a reply to this post yet uggo
  9. The 7 fingered body snatcher has already got him tagged and bagged .
  10. Astanley


    Did you hear about the Amish girl who was thrown out of the church ? Too Mennonite
  11. Paulus ,I am not very bright infact I'm pretty thick ,bearing this in mind ,and using layman's terms ,could you explain the reasoning why you just banned max ....thanks in advance
  12. I would worry about giving "some " mods the go ahead to dump people willy nilly ,in the past there have been mods who have been as big a problem as anyone on here
  13. I'm sure he isn't ,his personal hygene may be of a high standard ,but as I can safely say he has an eccentric aspect to his lifestyle ,I thought I would venture a joke ,no malice was intended in my post ,and it wasn't meant to be taken seriously ,thank you . Just for clarification purposes ..Tomo really is gay .
  14. " wow ,just had a really interesting debate on thl without being called play ground names " .........no-one ever .
  15. So you've got enemies ...good ,it means you've stood for something . WC
  16. I like a man who smiles when he's fighting ...WC
  17. "Yes of course I am gay ,but don't tell those twats on thl "......Tomo
  18. Astanley


    All Terrain says the same .
  19. Astanley


    Being Scottish means you have a genetic predisposition toward frugality .
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