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Everything posted by Astanley

  1. Same age as me ,and yet you look younger ...some people can get resentful when a young fella with the get up and go and courage to go seeking adventure without the crutch of company does his thing ,others admire him ...leave the malicious ,nasty minded few to it ,aim to rise above hatred ,not stoop down to it ,that's what they want .
  2. Man Utd getting twatted and you can still write decent ,sensible ,interesting posts ,good man .
  3. Decent fighter Ortiz ,but slower movement in the middle rounds ,plus carrying your chin high against a heavy hitting one punch finisher ...it was only going to end one way
  4. Gnasher will have a few bits and pieces hanging round from brinks mat ,see if he'll do you a decent price get you started .
  5. It sounds like life has give you a bit of a kicking lately ,and you are yearning for the comfort and familiarity of home ,to be among the things and people who give you the strength to bear our burdens ,a good move imho . people should forget striving for happiness ,..strive for what's meaningful ,try to be the best person \husband \ father \ son \ neighbour you can be ,and you will leave this world a little better ,happiness will be an occasional by product be grateful for it atb
  6. Your all being a bit harsh in my opinion ,his mum has just grounded him ,isn't that enough ?.
  7. The rich leading a debauched ,hedonistic life style interests me about as much as a Sunderland match day programme ,but the age of some of the girls bothers me ,if I'm going to call a bunch of pakis in Rotherham or wherever for it ,then I'm going to call Prince Andrew ,even if I love his mum .
  8. Not much interested in it myself ,but even with a passing interest ,I I know it was more than a " weekend on the piss " It would be hard to say he didn't know ,when he continued to see him after his conviction ,if I knocked about with a convicted nonce you would be within your rights to call me a wrongun . As I say ,I'm not that interested really ,but let's have it right ,it deffo wasn't a weekend on the piss with just another rich bloke .
  9. Wow ! You really haven't been following this story much have you wilf ?
  10. I hope stewie gave you permission to use that photo .
  11. Astanley


    Pareto distribution , prices law , the mathew principle .
  12. Excellent post , "If you can meet with triumph and disaster and treat these two imposters just the same "
  13. I'm grateful for the good times ,I'm hopeful through the not so good times ,and I'm stoic through the the bad times .
  14. I do t want to get all gravy about it ,but I love supporting this club .
  15. It's quite a common occurrence among serious shooters ....others call it the "I missed but it ran in that hole shot "
  16. I care about people on here ,and will help them out with words or actions
  17. Would appreciate a review of them if you do get them
  18. Beddyxwhippet .....is all I am saying
  19. How's paulu s nowadays
  20. What it you fall in love with them ,marry her ,and down the line she starts suffering with it ?.....it's not a personality defect mate ,don't get being depressed and suffering clinical depression mixed up ,you can be cheerful , have a positive outlook ,lead a meaningful ,happy and fulfilling life ,depression comes ,and you face it alone ,you try hard to function whilst trying not to infect loved ones with your deep,deep inexplicable despair ,it's a lonely illness ,often made worse by a person's inability to articulate or explain it to a cynical circle of family and friends .
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