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Everything posted by Astanley

  1. And that Kenny is why you didn't get a Christmas card of ketchup ,in case you were wondering .
  2. Mate ,this is what the nonces have done to us ,we are so geared up to be aware of any thing untoward ,we sometimes see it where it isn't ,as a dad of daughters you are quite rightly on your guard ,but sometimes it's just not sinister .
  3. Ffs that went downhill quickly !..you can't be a lateral thinker nowadays and muse aloud about life's inconsequentials without being branded some kind of wrongun ,get a grip lads .
  4. I have seen some creepy looking kids where the answer would be a definite no ,but for the life of me I can't see anything sinister in that photo ,just two ordinary ever so slightly fed up kids ,there will be thousands of first day back at school pics on Facebook like this next week .
  5. Would you find a decent beach caster and reel to go with it ,and send it up here please ,
  6. Jacob Rees Mogg ,has a serene beauty that I find irresistible.
  7. Equality and diversity those words should set alarm bells ringing .
  8. Plenty of community spirit where I live ,I have some truly decent people for neighbours ,not a professional mourner or someone after handouts among them .
  9. Who don't you like Ted ?.it's mushy isn't it ,I knew it ,he can be annoying at times ,or is it Tomo ? he's another a noying twat .
  10. A genuine all the best to every one on here and all your families ,wish you all health and happiness.
  11. Lots of family in Boltn ,wombwell darfield
  12. Are you in bolton on dearne
  13. Sad (especially for us ) but true ,never mind though ,Ken will think up a decent obit for us and we will live on in thl folklore ,in fact I wouldn't mind reading mine now please Ken .
  14. I know ,I'm ashamed of myself ,it's my need to be liked makes me type this kind of shit .
  15. Smith is good but Cannello is great ,and it showed ,but in a ' one to tell the grandkids ,' scale ,sharing the ring with Cannelo isn't bad .
  16. Would make a nice headline pre Christmas ,any chance Ken ?
  17. He was being kind mate ,that's an embarrassingly low weight .
  18. Smith to win in a massive upset .
  19. Leave the ferret alone you cruel bastid
  20. I like the bullshitters ,I find them endlessly entertaining ,I'm one of those people who encourage them .
  21. One of my pet hates ,I never met a doctor's receptionist that wasn't a horrible twat .
  22. Tell us more about him mate ,tribe etc sounds really interesting
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